Wednesday, March 03, 2004

The john mayer story:

I got a meet n greet pass for the Memphis show b/c I order my tickets through local-83 which is a John Mayer fan club. The email said to be there at 6:20, so I get there on time and I meet two other girls who got the same email. One girl was from little rock and the other was from St. Louis. Blahblah. We wait around until like 10 till 7 when Scotty, who is like JM’s manager and friend or something, shows up and says that it will be about 10 more minutes. Finally at 7, Scotty comes back and has a checklist with our names on it and he checks everyone off for being there. Then we line up and we are taken behind this wooden partition to stand in the concourse. I thought we’d go to a room and JM would be sitting there or we’d sit and wait on him. instead we waited in the concourse and JM comes sauntering around the corner. He says hey to everyone and then he just proceeds to go through the line. I was like 4th in line and when he got to me we shook hands and I introduced myself. He said nice to meet you and asked what I brought to get signed. I picked up a krispy kreme hat at the LR store on my way out of town b/c I thought that would be something unique. He said it’s cool and he’d never signed a KK hat before. Everyone else brought cds and pictures and stuff. One guy brought an X-box game that apparently JM plays a lot. So he signed my hat (made the last e in kreme the e in mayer…which looks funny and kinda sucks b/c he wrote over the krispy part and you can’t read it) and Scotty took my camera and JM put his arm around me and his chin on my head and Scotty took the pic. I had my arm around his waist hah. He’s kinda bony. After that, I moved out of the way for the next girl and me and the two girls I was talking to tried to stick around longer but some guy said we’d have to leave since we were finished. So yeah, that’s the story of my first meeting JM experience. Maybe there will be more in the future?

Other things

Haven’t heard from my flavor of the month this week. I guess maybe it’s b/c it’s now a new month and I should get a new flavor? Would like to know what’s going on so I can stop worrying about him. why do I care really? I mean what has he done for me lately? I’m guessing I’m one of those freaks that holds onto past memories until someone else comes along and makes better memories. And until that happens, I’m stuck wanting more of the old. And that’s totally true. I still do want more. It’s unhealthy. It’s uncharacteristic of me. I don’t exactly have guys pounding my door in to hook up with me. There’s a couple of people I’m interested in, but not for a relationship or anything. I’m still kinda anti-relationship. I just want to have fun. Mess around and stuff. Nothing serious. You’d think that right there would put me high on the list. But when I do talk to senor flavor, albeit just once a week for like 20 mins, he’s usually like feeding me some bs about how he’ll be in town soon and we’ll hang out and do whatever. Aw yeah, nothing like the seeds of hope. We all know I’m not number 1 on the list of important people…I’d be lucky if I made the top 10. but I still fricken care! Make it stop!

My job is going pretty well. I’m typing this at work actually. I have nothing to do most of the time and I don’t really want to ask for something to do b/c I know they’ll give it to me. I think things will pick up as soon as bill feels like he can relinquish more of his paperwork to me. There are things that I know I’m supposed to be taking over, but I haven’t seen it yet. I think it’s b/c we already had it worked out for this month, and they are projects that aren’t done all the time. oh well. I sorta miss my old night job. I miss the news guys a lot. They were fun to talk to. I get emails from the main news guy more often than never so that’s cool. I don’t miss my old day job at all. Those people are annoying and even more so since I left.

I really don’t know what else to talk about. Lots of people have been getting on my nerves. I think it’s b/c I haven’t had a weekend alone in like a month (birthday, snow on valentines, Vegas, Memphis). This weekend seems to be working out that way though. should I be happy? Or should I be looking for someone to go out with? Larmon wants to hang out next week which will be cool. I haven’t seen him in a while it seems like.

If you want to see more pics I took at the JM Memphis show go to this web directory listing:

And I guess I’ll go back to looking busy…after I copy this into a blogger browser window.



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