Friday, February 13, 2004

still....i dunno.......

Dear laurie,
Here is your horoscope
for Friday, February 13:

Your emotions are tender and easily bruised. Your first impulse is to leave town and begin again elsewhere. No matter how carefully you pack your suitcase, there are some problems that will always be with you.

how did they know my feelings were hurt? those astrologers...maybe they do know something after all.

i think the fact that i was used is starting to sink in. i don't know for sure that's what happened, but reality's signs point towards it. i should have known better. i realize that his brain is totally fried, but for some reason that didn't stop me from believing this really sexy guy actually liked *me*.

this is what i get for wanting attention and affection and nothing else. I DON'T WANT TO FEEL LIKE SHIT!!!

why god why!? hehe

ok...after today, i am no longer moping about this. it's ridiculous. and well, I KNOW BETTER than to expect the really good outcome. i know better. i know better. i know better.'s working already.



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