Wednesday, October 06, 2004

i was so mad

(that's a great mercer meyer children's book by the way)

UGH! i know i just wrote something yesterday (or monday, whatever day it is now) but shit. i can't stand it when people fucking lie to me.

oh wait. now i'm being told this person "wasn't thinking straight." oh yeah, that makes everything better.

fuck. so last night (monday) after work we were talking about how Fahrenheit 9/11 came out on dvd today and how we both wanted to watch it. so there was a semi-agreement that we would watch it after work tonight. it wasn't anything definite and permanent and i figured one of us would be too tired to sit through a movie anyway, so i wasn't really planning on viewing it this very evening.

so on the ride home tonight, we have a whole 5 minute conversation about how blockbuster was out of fahrenheit and what kind of weirdos rent movies in the middle of the week and how it sucked we couldn't watch it tonight, but it was fine b/c we're both tired. everything's good!

i get home and i'm grabbing my bag and trying to clean up some of the shit in the car and i find a freakin receipt from blockbuster saying we checked out fahrenheit and it's due on thursday. IT'S DUE ON THURSDAY AND I WAS TOLD EARLIER THAT WE COULDN'T RENT IT BECAUSE IT WAS OUT! so movies and blockbuster receipts must be appearing out of thin air b/c i swear i wasn't dreaming through that conversation.

so i come inside and i'm mad. i flip out when i find out people are lying to me. and if you're lying to me, take note: use your lie on something good and not a stupid movie rental. it's not worth pissing me off unless it's a biiiiig you're fucking my best friend or you're pregnant with my boyfriends child or something. this is retarded. this makes me wonder how many other things i'm lied to about (or i guess it's "not thinking straight" as it was so generously put a few minutes ago).

whatever! he says he's sorry and i know i'm overreacting, but shit, with so much not being said between us right now, little things are probably going to continue setting me off for a while. i'm still mad. and i guess when i don't show up at 3:45 to pick him up from work tomorrow, he'll see how mad i am and how i'm about sick and fucking tired of being used.

man i love when i'm in a mood like this, don't you? makes this blog interesting again.



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