Monday, August 30, 2004

home again. and delighted to be here!

i'm waiting on mike to wake up, so i thought this would be a nice quiet activity to waste time. he has to be at work at 11 so he can't be sleeping too much longer.

anyway. i'm back bitches! (say that in your squeekiest chappelle voice) my trip was i learned a lot about how relationships and distance and time changes people. and how i just don't think i have much in common with nikki anymore.

now before i continue, i feel i should say that i did have a good time, so don't get me totally wrong. and nikki, i wouldn't be saying any of this if i didn't think you saw the same things i did. i guess if you didn't see this, then i'll apologize now. (lord i hope this doesn't start another one of those blog wars)

we didn't do much of anything while i was there. no beach. no crazy road trips to west virginia. watched a lot of tv. drove around the afb and the army base a lot. getting something to eat was like pulling teeth sometimes (but hey, i lost another 5 lbs!).

best day had to be tuesday when we went to raleigh and i bought some stuff at sephora and roamed around crate & barrel and ate some cheesecake at the cheesecake factory (mmmm...still thinking about how good that was) and then saw john mayer & maroon 5.

realized john mayer is starting to get really boring. decided not to see him in concert again for a long time. i can still lust for him though, right?

maroon 5 (or moron 5 as affectionately referred to by mike) was incredible. it's like my 4th time seeing them and it's awesome to see how the crowd has gone from like no one knowing all the words to all the songs to like everyone knowing all the words. they are becoming one of my favs i think.

some lady backed into moose in the target parking lot. i guess that counted as excitement for one day. i had to give a recorded telephone statement to the insurance people over a busted taillight.

got really drunk wednesday night out of bordom and ended up puking my guts up. that kinda sucked, but the drinks were delicious and i didn't pay for half of them :)

i didn't spend much money. which is kinda awesome. don't expect me to put it back in my bank account though. i'll just pay cash when i go get my oil changed this week. or buy groceries. or eat out every stinkin day at some place really good (mmmm.....outback).

i missed mike pretty badly, but i didn't call him until like wednesday and then i talked to him friday and saturday before i got home. when i finally found him at the airport he gave me the biggest hug and it felt soooooooo good. we went and got a damgoode pie and i ran into one of my best friends from college and then we went to his house and watched six feet under :) at like 1:30, the whole tired feeling was kicking in and i really wanted to sleep in my own bed so i got up to leave and he ran up behind me and was holding me and kissing me and i was like "so did ya miss me? and he was like "more than you'd believe." awesome :) something about mike standing behind me and holding me just gives me goosebumps. i love it. so maybe um now we're an official thing? you don't just ask if something is official right? you just know. and right now i'm thinking we are.

i don't want to go to work tonight! rar! i'm still considering quitting. the paper was kinda slim on interesting jobs this week, so i dunno. mike's talking about staying now (surely not b/c of me, right?) and the gym has offered him some serious good stuff with becoming a personal trainer and he's looking at work at clear channel. he has to tell his apt people by weds if he's staying or going or wants a month to month lease. i'm telling him to just take another 6 months and if you have to break the lease and get out, do it. it's not worth the high rent in a month to month thing esp when right now it looks like he might be sticking around for a while.

i thought the VMAs last night were boring, chaotic, unorganized, technically bad. bad microphones, bad camera switching, bad stage setup (did you see where linkin park got lost trying to get to the podium where their statue was?). i did enjoy the kanye performance with chaka khan and the usher getting all wet and ripping his shirt off was pretty hot. the rock people got shafted i think b/c they combined 3 bands into one segment. and the Hey Ya! choose or lose, vote your heart out, closer was just retarded. i turned it off. hell, i took a shower in the middle of the show b/c i was so bored.

and it's like 10 now so i need to get dressed and get mike up and go to the dentist! woo! hope everyone has an excellent week :)



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