Saturday, June 26, 2004


we finally won a softball game today. we played two in a row, so it was more or less we better win something. lost the first one even though we were winning the whole freakin time. that kinda sucked. i didn't even get to play! so i was mad. and then the 2nd game started and the guy who was doing the lineup still hadn't put me in so i was ready to go. they made me stay and i did get to play about 3 innings. i scored a run and got an out. so boo-yah! i made a comment after i got the out along the lines of 'well maybe that proves i shouldn't be warming the bench.' and everyone in the bleachers heard me and started laughing. and the win was against the evil empire - aka Clear Channel. Haha!

there is so much going on at work that i want to write about, but i'm trying to wait until a decision is made before i get too excited. i may be getting an awesome raise soon though.

my phone isn't letting me send text messages. that sucks b/c i don't want to actually call this person.

there's not much else going on really. i've been working on this project at work like pretty heavily, so i haven't taken the time to do anything interesting.

tonight i'm going with some people from work to see blue october! yay! i love them!

everything i do now involves work in some form or another. that's kinda sad in a way, but then it is cool b/c the people i work with are awesome enough to hang out with off the clock.

anyway, i've got to shower and sleep and eat before i go out later. i didn't get to sleep until after 1a and i had to be at the ballpark at 830. ick.



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