Saturday, June 19, 2004

twenty-four years, 4 months, 7 days

i was thinking about telling the story of me dropping out of the v-club, but upon further examination, i've decided that's none of your business.

to answer the most popular questions: yes there was a condom. yes i did. nothing extraordinary compared to the others i've seen. he snores.

i will tell you about what we did earlier that day. the plan was to go see Eternal Sunshine at market street, but we got there and the guy is like "we've loaned one of our projectors out and that's the movie that we're not showing tonight." so we left b/c that was all we really wanted to see. drove to breckenridge - nothing showing there either. drove BAAACK to where market street is and ended up at this mexican restaurant. we were there like 3 hours just talking about stuff. and he was speaking to the waiters in spanish so i was clueless some of the time. i'm sorry, but i think it's hot when he has conversations in spanish.

so we leave there and it's like 10 and for some stupid ass reason he calls BT and BT meets us at mike's apt. well at this point i'm bummed b/c i know i won't be getting any. so they smoke and at like 11 i decide i'm going home. they decide to go drive around. i get some Aqua Teen...take a shower and get in bed and i'm so not sleepy. so i'm just laying there and the phone rings, but it's like a half ring when someone calls and then changes their mind.

oh wait. i have to add this part about my horoscope for that day. i read this when i got home and i was even more mad b/c even it implies i should be hooking up:

Dear laurie,
Here is your horoscope
for Thursday, June 17:

After just one more day of thinking about nothing more stressful than where to take that someone special for dinner, late tonight you'll have another concern: breakfast tomorrow morning.

ok so the phone half rang, and i go find it and see that it's mike calling. so i call him back and i'm like what's up and he just like 'i wanted to know if you were sleeping' and i said i couldn't sleep so he decides that he's going to come over. it's after midnight at this point so i know what is going to happen. and it does. and he falls asleep and i just lay there somemore. i don't know if i couldn't sleep because i was in shock as to what happened, or if it's just b/c i can't sleep when someone new is sleeping in my bed. it takes me a few days to get used to a new person. that's what happened with feb's SFM stayed over those days. i didn't sleep at all the first night and then i guess i loosened up. well i'm laying there and he's laying crooked so it seems like i'm laying on him no matter how i try to position myself. and every once in a while i'll sit up and just stare at him and he'd open one of his eyes and say what and i'd just be like nothing.

when we're joking about this stuff at work, he tries to be this tough guy and says stuff like 'i don't cuddle and i never spend the night,' but he was trying to cuddle with me. he didn't spend the whole night though. he woke up at like 4 and sat up and was just like "i have to go home." and i was like um you could stay 2 more hours b/c that's when i'll probably get up to go to work. i wasn't going to make him stay b/c honestly, i wanted to sleep! so he put his clothes on and left and that's how i ended up with 2 hours of sleep.

i thought work yesterday might be weird, but it's cool. i'm not discussing it with him or anyone there. he doesn't know about the v-club thing. so i'm sorta worried that we won't ever do it again because i didn't really know what the hell i was doing. i'm sure i'll talk to him this afternoon and maybe i can get some answers.

dinner thurs night was awesome though. i was saying the other day how i liked just hanging out and talking with him and that's basically what we did. without the interruptions of the people at work. i think we should get together once a week for dinner and sex. heh. rar. i'm not a slut if i'm just doing it with one person!

i've got to go to the weekly softball game.



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