Thursday, May 13, 2004

could i have any more drama at work?

wow the new blogger looks really cool. if you're wondering what on earth i'm talking about, blogger is the tool i use to make this webpage. check them out at

i don't feel like doing anything tonight, so i thought i'd write something. it's been a week hasn't it?

my thoughts are like really jumbled. today in itself has been abnormal.

yesterday i submitted my resume for a new position in the building in the promotions department. i don't totally know why i did it, i thought nothing would really happen. so yesterday afternoon the director of promotions stops me and says he'd like to chat. so i'm like ok and i stop by his office at like 3:30. he's busy and says to come back in 30 mins. so i wait like 40 mins...and go back....and he's still busy. so i just send him an email and say that i'm tired and ready to go home, maybe we can chat tomorrow or friday. he writes me back this morning and says 9:30. so i show up at 9:30 think that we'll just have a conversation about what the job involves and what he's looking for.....this conversation turns into a job interview ! ACK! i don't even know if i want to leave the job i'm in! so i go along with it. i did very well i think. he said i brought a lot to the table that no one else had so far. they want to get someone in the job ASAP so the girl that does this job now can train the new person before she leaves.

i don't know what i want to do. the plan right now is to see how much money they offer. and if it's enough for me to live on and be able to pay bills (like a 5-7k raise) then i'll go for it. otherwise, i'll stick to my quiet little existance as MC assistant. it's gotta be worth me putting up with disco frank's crap. i'll have to tell the story as to why we call him disco frank another time.

we had a supervisor meeting today at work. it was the first one since we were assigned our own department head. i was the only person who came organized so that sort of got on my nerves. i guess that's my job though, right? they announced raises. a whole whopping quarter for some people! and then the shittier your shift is, you'll get an extra bonus quarter or 50 cents or something. if the people get certified then they get a 5k raise which would be awesome. we'll have to see if that makes people stick around and work harder and volunteer to be on prime or overnights. i am really starting to hate scheduling. it's almost a full time job in itself! i'm trying to fill about 4 positions, and no one will apply for one of them. and then someone i can't (and don't want to) move applied for day shift, and mike really really wants him on his shift. but i'm not going to move him. i don't care if it is mike that's calling me after work trying to convince me to move him. rarrrr! money talks, not some sexual advances....even if it is mike.

speaking of...i don't know what i'm going to do about that either. we're not going to tunica this weekend. april had a death in the family so she's off and we're all broke so it's not like we could have done anything anyway. we've talked like every night this week after work about something. and everytime i hang up the phone i'm kicking myself for not just asking what's up between us. i really want to just talk to him to his face about it instead of on the phone. and i don't want to do it at work either! the goal for today was to find out what he's up to this weekend so maybe we could get together, but i never got a chance to ask. so if i want this to go down i've got tomorrow and that's pretty much it. should i wait before i say anything though? that's what i'm wondering. maybe i should just sit on this until after we use our concert tickets in like a couple of weeks. fricken a. i hate how this stupid girl thing is taking over my life. i'd sure feel a lot better if i just got it over with though. decisions decisions.

someone else intervene. i'm just going to screw it up anyway!

that's all i really needed to say today. i told you it was all about work. my life currently revolves around it!

rock on.



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