Saturday, March 26, 2005

new stuff

i'm switching to haloscan comments because the other was getting on my nerves by not showing up all the time. i'm hoping this will work better. comments are open to anyone and everyone, so have no fear.

i haven't really given a narrative this week because i've been working. i'm off today and tomorrow, but that doesn't really mean anything since it's easter and most people are gone out of town and certain other people are working.

i registered to work at a temp agency last week. i desperately need some cash and they were incredibly impressed with my skills (who knew i typed 85 words a minute?), so i'm hoping it won't be that bad. i work when i want to work and accept assignments accordingly. we'll see.

we are supposed to have softball practice at 3, but it looks like the rain is going to make it here before then. i loved playing last year until this one guy took over the team and wouldn't let me play b/c i didn't kiss his ass enough. i hope the evil empire's team will be a lot i don't know anyone playing though, so i guess this is a networking exercise as well.

i think that's all i wanted/needed to say. for now at least. this was more to test my new comments.

have a happy easter!



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