Sunday, February 27, 2005

back from the depths apartment?

oi...lo siento for not writing anything of substance. have you ever like been sitting away from the computer and you think "man i should write about that in my blog" but you never make it? i've had that thought like 20 times over the past two weeks, and obviously i've done nothing. am i lazy? maybe so.

it's just been uneventful since my birthday. i got all of the partying out of my system then and now i'm just kinda laying low and enjoying the scenery. i'm looking really hard for a new job. i applied to school at UTexas - Austin....but i doubt i'll go because it costs so damn much (and i have to write 2 essays to finish my application...ick). i'm looking into this medical registrar thing that my mom is sort of involved with at her job with the arkansas cancer registry. it involves more school, but apparently it's a profession that is not widely known and in demand. my mom said she'd look more into it and maybe hook me up with her connection at UAMS. i guess that no matter what i decide, it's probably going to have me going back to school. thanks to my worthless bachelors degree!

as the nights go by and i'm sitting at work watching the same (or what seems like the same) episode of Girlfriends over and over.....the more i hate my job. and i guess what i'm saying could be evidence for doocing (see this blog....feb 12 post), but seriously, that's the least of my concerns. we're considered hourly employees, and therefore, for the month of february, i get screwed out of at least 2 days of pay because the month is only 28 days long. so yeah, my check tomorrow is way short. so i'm kinda bummed about that. ok i'm mad because i don't have enough money to pay the rent! which only means i have to go crawling back to my parents and ask for money. i hate doing that. and my mom is going to retire at the end of march, which only makes it harder for me to ask for money.

so my immediate solution to this problem is that i'm selling even more of my way too big clothes on ebay. pretty soon i'm going to have nothing left to wear, but that's okay! nothing fits anyway! haha! i've actually got my eye on this outfit in the lands end catalog that i'm hoping i can earn enough money to buy. sweater, button down, capris, shoes and belt for like $175. that's a lot, huh? but it's so.......girlie and i think when spring gets here i'm going to feel all girlie.

mike and i spent every day together last was nice. we had lunch a few days and monday night we went to Zachs and played trivia (and other stuff....see earlier post and reason for typing nonsense). tonight we went and saw Cursed. yep, scaredy cat laurie went to a scary movie. but it was okay. the werewolf was funny looking and mike kept whispering comments which made me laugh. the movie was mediokre...too many WB network stars in one place for my tastes. we shared a popcorn *aww* and he told me that if i got scared later tonight then i could come over and sleep at his house. hehe. i'm not going to do that because i have way too much to do tomorrow, but it was still a nice gesture. he already made me promise that i'd go see Be Cool with him next weekend. i'm happy....and it's nice. i said nice twice in the same paragraph. ack! i'm turning into one of those girls!

it's march and well i think march is one of my favorite months of the year. we've got college basketball, and the grizzlies are playing well.....and they announce the beale street lineup this week.....and the weather is usually pretty good.....and well these reasons are pretty lame, but yeah i'm usually happy in march. lets hope this year is no different.

oh and when i get my NCAA bracket game set up (as i do every year) i'll be sure to post a link on here so you guys can play too. the more people, the better the game is. it costs nothing but your pride.

i hope you are enjoying life as much as i am! ok, except for that whole money/job thing...but everything else is way too good to be overshadowed.



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