Thursday, April 03, 2003


i'm starting to realize the benefits of waking up before the sun comes up. i manage to get a lot done when i'm not rushing around to leave the house in 15 minutes. like today, right now actually, i'm doing laundry! and all this time i thought i couldn't get it done because i had to work from 8a-430p.

i have time to eat breakfast. although i usually don't actually eat breakfast. but in case i ever do, there's time for it.

i have time to put on 4 different outfits to wear to work and figure out which one i'm happy with.

i have time to take a shower, wash my hair, shave my legs, dry my hair, put on makeup and get dressed.

i have time to sit in front of the computer for an hour and blog about worthless things.

i have time to rent more movies on my netflix! or order music and dvds from barnes! or buy new clothes from lands end!

maybe this getting up so early isn't such a good thing after all...

and besides, how often in my 23 years have i actually seen the sun come up? not in recent memory, that's for sure.


listening to: birds chirping, refrigerator hum, keys clicking
shoes of choice: slip on bowling looking shoes that smell awful b/c i only wear them barefoot to do laundry (ewww)


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