Monday, July 07, 2003


how's that for a mood describing word?

i'm watching the graduate. i know it's like 30+ years old, but i seriously can relate. i have no idea what i'm doing with my life. i'm just not sleeping with my parents friend.

i ate a bunch of ranch salsa dip and i don't feel well right now. should i blame the dip or my nerves?

i'm geninuinely freaking out about this interview. i got home from work today and i had a huge packet on my doorstep from the heifers. i'm supposed to review the materials and be prepared for the interview. there were two magazines and tons of pamphlets. how on earth am i supposed to review those overnight and be fully prepared?

i just wish it was already over with. i have absolutely no confidence that i'll get this job. so yeah...i wish it was friday. payday. scary interview day was over.

someone come cook me breakfast and tell me i look purdy before i go. anything to make me feel marvelous. and not pukey like i do right now.



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