slow news day
it's sad that the conjoined iranian twins died. but that was 24 hrs ago. is this all the news of today? a guy walks into his place of employment in Mississippi, kills 6 coworkers and injures more, and that's not breaking news? it doesn't make sense to me.
i'm watching Joe and i'm sleepy and i guess he's just not interesting to me tonight. he's got some peculiar squinty-eyed appeal to him. he's not ugly...i think it's the fact that he thinks opposite of me that causes me to crush on him. i like differing opinions. i don't like arguements so much, but i guess i'm one of those weirdos that is turned on by disagreement. hehe.
congratulations to the State of South Carolina. First case of West Nile Virus in 2003! your reward is in the mail in the form of a can of Off.
Nikki posted stuff the other day about how her tastes have changed since we were younger. Mine have too, just not in the same way hers have. she's got grown up married woman likes and dislikes. i think i have "i don't wanna grow up" woman likes and dislikes. i used to only wear jeans and t-shirts. now i'm leaning more towards black slacks and khaki pants and pretty girly blouses. i am starting to find some shades of pink far only in nail polish, lipsticks and flip flops. it may eventually take over though, you never know.
but then, a lot of things haven't changed. i still love watching college football. i still love buying cds. i still love going to the mall and just watching the people. i still have crushes on boys that will never ever like me the same. so's an evolution i guess.
ok...back to Joe...the Manager of the Chicago Cubs made a racial comment regarding Latinos and African Americans. the white guy is supporting the fact that the manager wasn't fired, and the black man is saying that he should be fired. is something going on? is the mars aligned with saturn?
ah...there's a full moon this weekend. that explains the irony on tv, and the fact that a lot of people are either super sensitive or super bitchy right now.
not me though! i feel good :)
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