Tuesday, March 16, 2004


i feel like i need to say something. b/c i'm not in the same place i was last week.

no longer craving attention from Feb's SFM. moved on. told him i can't be friends even b/c when we talk i get all attached and whatever. i'm crazy.

i had a great weekend. very busy. went out with different people friday and sat night and sunday for lunch. it's nice to be able to do that.

larmon's coming over tonight. it'll be nice to see him again. i feel bad that we make plans like every week and i end up bailing. it's not that i don't want to hang out...it's just that these other things come up and sometimes i want a different kind of attention than what larmon can give.

work is going really well. today is pretty crappy which is why i came home for lunch. my job is becoming more defined, so i'm rarely bored. i need to force myself into taking more breaks though. i'm obsessive when it comes to finishing tasks.

i want to take a vacation! i want to go to cali and sit on the beach in san diego. between watching the OC and the new JM video...i just crave the beach. and i hate beaches.

memphis in may's beale st. festival was announced today. G Love & Special Sauce & the Foo FIghters are on there. i am so there. you can't hold me back. still mad i didn't go last year even though JM and Wilco were there. grar. i'm going. by myself if i have to. it would be nice to take a date though :)

i'm going to memphis this weekend to see the grizzlies play. yay professional sports! it'll be my first one. i'm sorta excited.

and speakin of dates. i'm working on one. hehe. we'll see how that turns out. it's someone i've known a long time, just haven't seen in a while. he's cool. we like lots of the same things blahblah. don't i say that about everyone? anyway. i'm sure i'll mention it if something works or doesn't work.

and i feel like i'm getting sick. gross. damn weather changing and spring allergies.

i guess i need to go back to work. weeeee!


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