Monday, May 05, 2003

the big move 2003

this will probably be the last time i say anything from this address. thank goodness! i'm so ready to go...the waiting is what's making me tired right now.

my family rocks. if i ever say anything bad about them again (besides the fact all we do is argue when we're together) then i demand to be reprimanded. those people are taking time out of their busy schedules to help me move tomorrow since all of my so-called friends are the laziest losers on the planet.

i haven't had time to think about much else lately. it's been pretty stressful since i lost my keys, but screw them i'm leaving without turning them all in. i'll throw in a note that says something about how i've misplaced them. if they want to bill me for new keys or new locks or whatever, just add it in with my june rent that i'm never going to pay. haha!

i really want to go see x-men! i don't know why considering i never saw the first one but something in me just wants to go.

i need some big weekend plans too. or at least someone cool to hang out with and talk and watch movies. and i want el porton for dinner. hehe



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