Sunday, May 11, 2003

i was so mad

did you ever read that book as a kid? i think it has maybe 50 words total in it, but it was one of my favorites.


i am mad right now. so i was leaving my grandmas and one of my cousins (like the only cousin i'm remotely close to) bitched me out. like made me stop while i was in my car going down the street, just so she could bitch me out.

so here's the story. i was at her house and she was telling me about how she got suspended from ebay. she's a freakin ebay addict, so it probably does the world a favor. well i think this is hilarious b/c who on earth would get suspended from ebay? so like our family is sitting outside (Family meaning like 15 people) and there's a lull in the conversation and so i repeat the story and think nothing of it. it's a funny story!

well apparently my aunt, her mother, catches her inside and tells her she needs to watch what she says around certain members of the family b/c they are prone to repeat them. if i knew this was going to be such a big freakin deal, i wouldn't have said anything. everyone there knew about her ebay addiction and they all thought it was as funny as i thought it was! so yeah that's what she bitched me out for.

what was i supposed to say in return? i apologized and she said "yeah i know you're sorry" and walked off. should i be calling everyone that was present and apologizing to them? she said i made her sound like an idiot and there was a new person there and he probably thinks she's stupid. well if you're so insecure about your intelligence, then maybe you should be working on that instead of griping at me?

i hate how i come up with these great comebacks after i'm home and stewing about everything. i still don't think it was that big of a deal, and if it was, then why on earth did she bring it up when she came outside with everyone?

and it's not like she doesn't blab everything i say to her to her mother, which in turn gets back to my mother. i'm considering testing her the next time she cuts my hair just to see how long it takes to get back to my mother. i know she repeats stuff i say because i can honestly recount many stories that my mom has asked me about that i know i never told her.

i don't know why i'm so angry about this. i guess i just feel like i should be mad at something or someone because i have pent up anger. i'm upset with other people too right now, those feelings just haven't made their way to the top to boil over yet. just wait...i'm a time bomb waiting to explode.



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