Wednesday, April 20, 2005

damn allergies

it's weird that i wrote that last post and i was all cheerful and then i woke up not 10 hours later sick. ugh. i would give one of my middle toes to go back to feeling like i felt saturday. :) now i'm stuck with a nasty sinus infection and taking antibiotics and allegra that makes me feel weird. i sleep in like hourly increments and i have no idea why b/c i feel like i could sleep for a week! oh well. hopefully the antibiotics will knock this thing out and i can go back to feeling normal by the weekend.

i'm going to get my hair cut today! woo! it's been so long! my mom said yesterday i have to go back to getting blonde highlights instead of the dark stuff i did at thanksgiving. and mike says i can't get it cut too short...just the ends. ha! i never knew i had so many people who were concerned with my hair color and length. i'm probably going more blonde just b/c it's summer now and that's what i do. as for length, i'm losing at least an inch because i think it's just getting too long. i dunno why guys like such long hair anyway...anyone? anyone? if you had to put up with it everyday, i think you'd hate it as much as i do!

what else what else what else. i dunno! job hunt sucks. mike is being good to me since i'm sick. still need some extra cash to pay bills so i'm selling more junk on ebay (starchiica0 is the seller).

i watched I <3 Huckabees last night. that movie is crazy weird. it's not bad. but i dunno. really existentialist. i love jason schwartzmann movies though because he takes on such weird roles. mark wahlberg steals the show though. he's CRAZY! so yeah, if you want a weird movie that leaves you scratching your head...get that.

it's going to take me a while to get used to seeing that new guy in the pope outfit. i'm one of those kids that only knew JP2 as pope. and why do they elect a 78 yr old man to be pope? do you not look at the life expectancy chart and say "hmm...this guy's got maybe 10 years left in him..." wouldn't you want a younger person (ok say 60....can't get too young or the guy doesn't know enough) that would last longer? was JP2 an exception to the rule? just a few questions from a non-catholic.

i'll leave you with that. haha.



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