Wednesday, September 28, 2005

so tired

i dunno what i want to say honestly. just let you know i'm alright. new job is pretty neat. i haven't done any actual work until today, but that's alright. there's just so much information to absorb and sometimes i think my sponge is full.

and it probably didn't help that i went to play pool with bill and april last night. i'm not adjusted to my new schedule, and then i don't roll in until 1230am? hehe it was fun though. i totally suck at pool.

i have so many things to do around here! and i'm just flat out too tired to do them tonight. if anyone would like to come by and take one of my tasks, i'll pay you back in some non-monetary form.

when did i become so self-consious about things? i get nervous calling my business contacts and these people don't even know me. i used to be overly confident and now i'm just....weak or something. i dunno. i need to work on that.

i've started talking to russett potato again. he was like a SFM in like feb '04. if you don't know what that is...i guess you need to go back to feb 04 and check it out. he's alright. definitely interesting to talk to and flirt with.

i talked to ross for like two seconds last night toO! it was my fault it wasn't more, but i promise i'll call back soon.

yeah how's that for a jumbled up post? i had a few things i wanted to say like yesterday, but my mind is cloudy tonight so i have no idea what they were. if it comes back....i'll be sure to write them down. don't hold your breath though.

watch veronica mars.



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