Thursday, September 15, 2005

why everything that's supposed to be bad, make me feel so good?

that's got to be my fav song on the new kanye...addiction...

i have to say that i'm disappointed no one took the opportunity to tell me what a screw up i am for hanging out with the boys monday night. i was all set to defend myself! maybe i didn't mess up too badly after all...i have been having these fucked up dreams about him this week though. like the 1st was set up like i was watching tv i guess, because i called him and there was a split screen and i could see both me and him answering the phone...while some girl was giving him head. was disturbing. last night's wasn't that graphic, thank goodness. he's just there. all the time.

i don't really have anything of importance to say. it's like 7p and i am just now getting dressed for the day. i want to go out, but, like usual, everyone that i call has some sort of reason not to. and it's funny because no one actually says they can't go...they say "well...i want to, but i have this to do and that to do and i'm not sure when i'll be finished." just say no and save me the minutes on my phone, yah know?

tomorrow i'm off again....and i'm sure everyone has plans. i'm spending the day with my mother, wee! dad is supposed to come back tomorrow night, so i may be stuck with her all evening as well. i need a new messenger bag for work, so maybe i can con her into getting me one. hehe

if you don't have plans, and you want to go see the 40 year old virgin, drop me a note! i have to see this movie! and not on dvd by myself at home! and not with my mother!

oh right...tonight is the night i was supposed to be seeing my rock god hero, dave grohl. please allow a moment of silence to honor the fact i'm not there.

i think i'm going to have one of those triple somethingoranother thingys from chili's for dinner. that just looks really good on tv. and i love chili's.



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