Monday, September 05, 2005

feliz dia de trabajar?

would that be labor day in spanish?

i'm just sitting here playing with whatever is left of my cereal that's still floating in the bowl of milk. Total just disentigrates when you pour milk over it. i've never been a leftover milk in the bowl drinker. it always tastes really gross to me, especially when you put some sweetened cereal in it. icky.

i had the most excellent dream this the normal time i have the bizarro dream. i'm not exactly sure what was going on - mike was there and we were talking and just being a normal couple i guess - i just woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day (rar!). of course, since then i've had him on the brain and i'm trying to counteract with some negative thoughts. his birthday is wednesday. no, i didn't get him anything and yes, i don't plan on getting him anything. i'm poor.

mom and i went shopping saturday to find me something to wear to my THIRD interview at the other tv station. there's some really great sales going on with summer merchandise. i ended up with a skirt and a few tops from dillards, a blazer jacket thing from old navy and a couple pairs of shoes from payless. oh and new pillows! mccain mall has changed so much from when i used to go there. kind of making a turn towards university mall unfortunately.

these interviews have been going pretty well...and i guess it's a compliment that i survived for a third go around. just think of me on wednesday (early morning ick) and pray that i get this! (as if you don't have 3 million other people to pray for these days) i want daytime hours! i want more money! i want weekends and holidays off!

i think my mom is lonely since dad is in louisiana and brad is at school and greg goes to school all day and works all night. i'm trying my best to keep her company and hopefully that will translate into some rationalization for giving me money that i so desperately need.

michigan won it's opener against northern illinois. so did notre dame, so next week's game should be pretty good. it's so early, i dunno if i'm going to find anyone that wants to hang out and watch it. the primetime game is texas vs. ohio state which i think will be just as exciting. maybe i can go out and see it since i'm off next weekend.

someone clear their saturday so i won't have to be alone! hehe



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