looking for a new place to live is like the crappiest thing in the world to do. and i'm usually so desperate to get out of my current living situation that i'll take whatever you throw at me.
i think this time was different though. i took my parents b/c they are usually more level-headed than i am with these things. i loved the first place i went to. it's quiet and the apartments are really big and the rent is less than i thought i was going to have to pay. and my mom likes it! i went to another place and i just didn't get the same feeling about it like i had the first place.
there were some other places i wanted to go, but after the first place i didn't have any desire to check out anything else. there are these neat loft apartments downtown in old factory buildings, and i would have loved to have seen what they looked like, but no one was ever around to help and i can't get anyone to call me back. maybe my next apartment can be there. if they get some better lease agents that are actually around to help you.
and i get a discount because i work for law enforcement! how sweet is that?
i'm just in a good mood today. i can't wait to move. yay.
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