Thursday, April 17, 2003

not like lifelong goal dreams, but the ones you have overnight.

see i have this weird thing where when i *like* a guy, i won't dream about him unless or until the crush has passed. well there was one exception to that rule, but that's because that person took over like every thought that came to mind--morning, noon and night.

so my dream last night was really strange because it involved an old love and he was showing me all these things from his life that i never got to find out when i did like him. he was real comforting and nurturing. he tried to introduce me to his parents, but neither of them were where they were supposed to be (i guess b/c i've never seen them so therefore, i couldn't picture them). i got to see this whole other side of him, that i guess i made up in my head since obviously he never showed it when we hung out. and we were in Dillards and he was like "let's go see my dad!" and we started going down this hallway that got smaller and smaller and you ended up crawling through this hole and all of a sudden you were in his dad's "office," which looked a lot like my dad's office for some reason. hehe

i think that dream happened because i'm working really hard at closing a lot of chapters in my life. i kinda sorta like this other guy (i say kinda sorta b/c if i say i do and then something goes really wrong, i'll be depressed about it and this way i'm protecting myself) and that leaves no room for anyone else. in like 3 weeks, i'll let you know if this whole closing crap actually works out.



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