Saturday, April 12, 2003

hope for the hopeless

read this link (spotted while checking my hotmail earlier) for info on fat girls and how we should be proud of being fat instead of feeling ashamed because our mothers think we're going to grow up and be some cat lady b/c obviously no man is going to want a fat girl. eh...sorry for the minute outburst, but it seems like everytime i go anywhere with my mother she brings up how fat i am and how much i'd benefit if i would just stop eating or exercise more or flat out lose weight. today it was all about heart attacks, diabetes, hypertension and osteoporosis. and what did i say that would cause her to go on that rant? i said "saving for retirement isn't important to me right now b/c i need the cash in my hands to pay my today bills instead of my bills 40 years from now." and she says that i won't need retirement b/c i'm going to die before i retire!

ugh. i'm plump, chubby, even fat. and you know what? i feel good about myself. that's what matters most.



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