Wednesday, July 16, 2003

an open letter to you

you know, i thought you were cool. you're highly intelligent. you have goals. you're funny. i had a good time when we hung out.

but now, i see who you really are. a pompous most males in this world. you were only being nice to me because i had a concert ticket you could have for free. and now that the concert is over with, we don't speak to one another. that's cheap.

i'm sorry i'm not one of the stupid sluts you typically go for. and honestly, i would have been happy just being friends. but now? no.

your actions are reflective of a girl. only a girl would use a person for their stuff and then when the stuff has been used, they move on.

i may be lonely every once in a while, but i'm not desperate. and i'm not dependent on other people all the time. i can manage living alone, without a boyfriend. unfortunately, i can't say the same for you. ever since you and whatserface broke up, you've been jumping around from girl to girl because you can't handle the time you have to spend with yourself. if being the opposite of that makes me anti-social, then i think i rather be anti-social. at least i'm not freaking out b/c i may have whatever STD of the week.

and i know your witty comeback will be something along the lines of "well why didn't you say this to my face?" because 1) i don't want to waste my time like that. 2) more people should see how you treat people. 3) this way you cannot interrupt with some comment that automatically makes you right. i hate people who always have to be right. there are times when you can be wrong you know.

so with this, i wash my hands of you.



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