Saturday, October 01, 2005

things i learned this week

*there is no easy way to get to the capital at 8am on a weekday coming from highway 10 west.

*There is also no easy way to leave one job and start another the following monday. i swear i'm missing some money in my last clear channel check!

*waking up at 6am isn't so long as i get into bed by 11.

*working out in the afternoon isn't's just really difficult to get motivated.

*cold weather is so awesome.

*just because they were friends with mike, doesn't mean they'll stop being my friends when we split up.

*marketplace grill has the best desserts and a freakin awesome chicken berry salad.

*nathan and jarrett tell some of the best stories.

*the michigan football team isn't hopeless after all! it just sucks i didn't even pick them this week..and those are my boys!

*don't count your chickens before they've hatched. the best cliche to describe my friday.

*281.330.8004 hit mike jones up on the low! ah...don't ask if you don't know already...

*i really really really really suck at pool. i don't even think the world champion could help me out.

*i appreciate sleep and sugar free red bull more and more everyday.

*my new job is going to be like a month. once i know what i'm doing, i think i'll love it.


maybe i'll post something legit later. i'm too sleepy now.



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