do you ever see a picture of yourself and think "that's what i look like to other people? that's not what i see when i look in the mirror in the morning!!"
i had that thought friday. larmon took a picture of me talking on the phone and when i saw it and i didn't seeeee anything but my fat! my wrist is that chunky? my face is that fat? when did i start looking like that? i know i didn't look like that when i left the house that night! i have little hands but in that picture they look like man hands! and my hair! what is up with that? and i washed my face before we went out but it looks like i have hooker eye makeup on! i was (and still am) embarrassed that i chose to go out that night looking like that. and not by myself even...i was with someone! it's no wonder i can't get a boyfriend! ;)
you can see the fear of tornados in my face though. i know i was talking to my mom at that moment and she had called to see what i was doing since there were apparently tornados in the area. i hate tornados. i hate thunder and lightning! rain alone is ok..anything else is bad.

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