Tuesday, July 12, 2005

moving in the right direction

i added some links to the blogs i read (or at least try to read regularly). maybe something there will also peak your interest.

i had another phone interview with Turner this afternoon. the next class starts August 15th, and i'm scheduled to have a video interview next week. you think this has anything to do with the fact i faxed out a ton of resumes yesterday? keep your fingers crossed!

my ankle is sore and swollen still, but i'm walking (hobbling?) around pretty smoothly. i'm going to try to hit the gym tomorrow because this whole not working out thing is slowly killing me.

and no crying since sunday! woo!

i forgot to say last time that i went out with nathan and jarrett saturday night after the softball game. it was so great hanging out with them again. we had pizza and alcohol and gossip and tv watching just like the old days. those boys take such good care of me, even though i've been a pretty crappy friend lately. i can't thank them enough, so i'm giving them a shoutout. love you guys!



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