blog monsters
i've created monsters. i'm sure the moment will pass though. in like the past week, 3 people i know have started blogs, 2 of them using blogger/blogspot like me. where's my referral bonus?
i'm sure most of them want me to link my blog to theirs. there's a catch to that though. i know that most people will blog for a few days....maybe a month....and then forget all about it. this puppy has been going fairly strong for over a year. i don't want dead links on my page! i know ryan's blog hasn't been updated in a long ass time, but that's for a valid reason. and i'm still trying to talk him into sending me something to post on there. nikki doesn't blog much either anymore. i should kill her link. but i'm lazy.
aol has blogs now too. they call them journals. whatever. some people i know are using that. it seems neat, but you can't really edit the html or the look of it. so all aol journals look the same. *yawn*
anyway....congratulations to the new bloggers. may you continue writing for years and years and maybe after a few months probationary period, i'll take the time to link you to my site.
other random thoughts at 8am
i went out with josh and larmon from school last night. there were supposed to be others but nooooooooo they don't show up like usual. we had a good time though. i drank too many margaritas at the mexican restaurant and then we went to a piano bar downtown. that was a lot of fun too. we never requested a song though which was sorta lame. no one would go up there with their money! the piano bar was like a little place so it's sorta personal. like the guys performing could see the crowd and they'd sing your request right to you. i didn't go to sleep until like 1am and i was awake at 7a. and i'm so tired now. i'm trying to type myself back to sleep actually.
April's SFM has called me three times this week. twice yesterday. there's some beer festival downtown tonight that all the people from work are going to, so i emailed him and asked if he wanted to go. of course. it's beer! wee! so that was the first call. then yesterday he called twice b/c he's been in wisconsin all week, and he was supposed to come home but his flight got cancelled. so they for some reason sent him to chicago to catch a plane there. and he missed all the flights to little rock when he got there. so he spent last night in chicago. blah! he's supposed to be hereee! in my beeeed! come hooooooomeeee! he said he'd call me when he got to little rock. i told him to just come to my house before he went home. hehehe. he sounds really excited about going out tonight, so i'm sure he'll call. i just dunno what time he's going to get back into town. sooner than later!
date guy is one of the new bloggers. it's kinda like he and i are using our blogs to communicate things we can't say to one another face to face (or online or whatever). that's not how things are supposed to work! it's hard to explain to someone that you really don't know how you feel about a situation. and that includes both the situation between him and me and the situation between April's SFM and me. i don't know what's going to happen. and i'm trying to stop worrying about that. if i want to flirt with everyone, i'm going to ! and i'm not going to think about the relationship that might come out of that, or the awful breakup or the sugar sweet cuddling! it's all going to be a surprise to me! no more imagining the ending before the beginning even happens. and if that means that i hook up with date boy sometime, wonderful. if that means that me and the SFM make out or have sex or whatever and then we go our seperate ways, super! i'm just going to float through my days and enjoy life. i'm too young to worry about endings.
i don't want to have to put my disclaimer on all of my posts. i know i did it in the past b/c pepole were reading and getting upset about what they read. i'm sorry you feel that way. just don't take things personal. and i honestly do try to tell people how i feel about things before they read it on this site. sometimes that doesn't happen.
oh and i talked to Feb's SFM last night before i went to sleep. i like when he and i have grown up conversations. i don't want him so badly as i did before, probably b/c i've got two other guys on my plate right now. he told me to be careful like 100 times i think. i told him i was just enjoying being 24. whatever. i still think that if he ever showed up at my door and asked if he could crash for the night and make out, i'd drop everything. that opinion could change in the next few days though.
what's the best way to get over a man? with a new man of course!
i think i'm going to go back to sleep now. i'm pretty sure tonight will be a long night too.