work, basketball, beale street, big assesnothing new to whine about i guess. hehe. i think that's why i haven't really been blogging much of substance lately.
on the work front: still broke as hell. still bored. last night i had to stay until after 2am because the dumbass that replaces me hadn't shown up. as i was leaving, he was coming in, so i didn't leave the overnight guy by himself for too long, but still. it's ridiculous that this guy comes to work at least 10 minutes late EVERY NIGHT and he still has a job? while i was waiting for him, i sat and talked with the other overnight guy and he was so funny. he'll talk to you about anything and last night it was about girls with big asses and why he (and most black men) love them. and theeeeen he started saying how i am so hot and how i've got a great ass and nice curves and i should never let anyone tell me otherwise. i know i was blushing. now that i think about it, i was sexually harassed! but it's not everyday that someone tells me how i've got good proportions, so i'm not going to complain.
my running has been sporadic lately. which means my weight has been stuck at 190 for about a month. it's starting to depress me, so i've been back on my schedule this week. i'm trying to do both yoga and running everyday, but today i'm not feeling the yoga. i already ran my 2 miles, so it's not like i'm sitting here doing nothing. plus i'm super stressed about financial things (when am i not?), and running makes me feel better most days. positive endorphins? i am buying clothes like 4 sizes smaller than i did this time last year. that also makes me feel pretty good.
i got a flat tire on sunday! luckily it didn't blow up like that one time in memphis. i'd been to the mall to get some glasses and i came home and as i was getting my mail i noticed that the tire was low. so then i drove down the street to kroger to put air in it. the only problem was that the air i was putting in was blowing me back in the face. so blah! i had to call AAA and a guy came out and put a spare on for me and then my parents came over and took me back to the mall to pick up my new glasses. monday i got up at like 6:15am and went and got a new tire. final cost - $160. ack! and they told me i probably should consider getting the other 3 tires replaced. i got a discount on the one i bought monday b/c i have a warranty, but if i buy the tires straight up (without them going flat...) then they average $190 a piece, without labor and balancing and that stuff. so yeaaaaah....i'm looking at about another 700 bucks i need to spend.......just on tires. there's a paypal link on the left if you'd like to donate to my tire fund.
i did make about 100 bucks on ebay last week. unfortunately, that went to pay for most of my new tire. haha. and i reaaaaaaaallllllly want this outfit in the lands end catalog! i would look so great in it! maybe in the summer....when they put all of the pieces i need on clearance. *big huge sigh*
to my aol people - has anyone heard from ryan (sanitygone) lately? is he home yet? i keep seeing stories on tv about chunks of 250 soldiers coming home and i wonder all the time if he's in one of those chunks. he used to be on yahoo messenger all the time, but i never see him now. maybe that's because he's back in the states and has less time to be online? i have no more aol (they sent me some warning about how they were shutting it off b/c my credit card was cancelled...boohoo), so i can't keep up with what's going on there. he always said there'd be the biggest party known to man when he gets back to little rock. if that happens, someone better invite me so i can skip work!
i'm going to fayetteville on saturday with my parents to hang out with my
baby brother for his birthday. he's going to be 19! i remember when he was born! just get me a walker and an AARP membership. i haven't been to fay since....i dunno....1998? long long time. i have no idea what we're going to do. mom and dad are spending the night, and i'm not so sure i want to do that, so i'm trying to talk mike into riding up there with me so we can come back that night. it's going to be a beautiful day for driving! if he won't go, then i guess i'll tough it out and spend the night.
and it's college basketball conference tournament week. basketball comes on before i wake up and stays on until i get home from work. how awesome is that? i'd like Illinois to win it all, but i don't think they will. villanova is my sleeper team....although it seems like most of the analysts are starting to pick them, so i guess they aren't sneaking around beating everyone anymore. UALR had an awesome regular season and then blew it in the 1st round of the sun belt tournament last week. maybe they'll get an NIT invitation and show something there. the new arena they've built on campus is going to be awesome next season. i may sign up for 1 class just so i can get a free ticket!
i can't go to the beale street festival on friday night. blah! it's ok though. i can't get off of work and neither can mike so we decided that it's for the best. mike was calling friday hippie night since it's jack johnson and trey anastacio and some other jam bands. nothing worse than some stinky hippies! so yeah we're going saturday and sunday (HELLLLLLLLLLO brandon flowers). i haven't decided if we're staying sunday night, although i want too because if i stand around in the sun for 2 days, the last thing i want to do is drive home at midnight. the only hotel rooms i can find are in tunica and in germantown! which is madness! i think some of the scary hotels in west memphis were still available, but i'm leaning towards germantown.
ok, i've been typing for like 30 minutes straight. and i've said a whole lot. maybe this will hold you over for a week or so?