Saturday, April 24, 2004

raindrops keep falling on my head

i've been quiet this week for 2 reasons: 1) i was tired of the drama involved when other people were picking up things from my blog, and 2) i haven't really been in a writing mood.

it has been raining for 5 days straight now. maybe that's why i haven't been in a writing mood. haven't been in a mood for much of anything really.

my friend and i went to the movies last night. saw 13 going on 30. it was so cute. i love cute girl movies. i'm such a sap though. and what is up with mark ruffalo being in so many movies lately? where did he come from? he was in Eternal Sunshine too. and maybe i'm lonely, but he's starting to become more and more attractive. and he's a geek! but i love geeks. he looks way cuter with the dark framed glasses though. i need to find out what else he's in.

i am so excited for next weekend! it's beale street weekend! woO! too bad i don't have the friends or the cash to go all weekend (aww...i'm missin G Love) but we are going on sunday to see the foo fighters. RAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! awesome. mike from work and i are going for sure. and i don't know what got into me but i told Feb's SFM he could go last night and he seems really interested. i don't think he'll go, but planted some crazy seeds in my head. i had the most fucked up dreams last night/this morning. i won't go into that though.

as for the rest of the SFMs...april is almost over. april's SFM is really good at making plans with me and then something going horribly wrong so we never go through with it. there's a show at Vinos on Monday night that i know he wants to go to, and i told him about it and he flipped so i'm sure he's going. he never asked if i wanted to go and i'm not going to invite myself so i'm not going probably. i'm just not going to ask him to do anything anymore b/c he never goes through with it. and well that's getting frustrating. that and this other girl is all up on his nuts. i'm not a fighter when it comes to who a guy should be with. it's not worth it to me.

no clue as to who is going to become May's SFM. putting that tag on someone is like a death sentence isn't it? hah. maybe we'll just have a freebee month. kick back and watch some championship nba basketball and just go with the flow.

i'm still doing my yoga. i want to do some exercise in the morning before work but since it's been pouring rain i haven't been able to go outside and walk. hopefully next week i can do that. i ordered a couple more dvds from ebay so i could mix up my routine a bit. the one i have is starting to really get on my nerves b/c i'm picking up the dialogue. eek !

may is going to be AWESOME!!!! foos next sunday...perfect circle and riverfest! woooo! and then it'll be um 2 months until i go to NC to see JM again! yayayay! i love summer concert season!

ok i'm way too happy for a rainy saturday afternoon. my apologies *bows*


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

absent mindedness strikes back

I’ve decided that I’m going to lose some weight. Not for health reasons, or self-esteem issues, but because I want to be a bitch. The whole plan is that when I’m skinnier, I’m going to go ask out all of these guys that I’ve had crushes on, and when they say sure, I’m going to ask why they wouldn’t go out with me earlier. I know I’m not jaw-dropping hot, but I thought it was personality that counted? Hah! I can’t say anything though. part of the reason why I like some of these guys is b/c they are gorgeous to me. I was talking to my friend at work and he said that I’m full of crap – wanting to get skinny so I can pay some guys back. Maybe it’s not totally that reason though. I want to see Ryan’s face when he gets back to Arkansas and I look completely different than when he left. It’ll be like extreme makeover! Maybe I’m just tired of my life right now and that seems like a good way to make it interesting again. Plus it will get my mom off my back.

Don’t get me wrong, I think I am very pretty. I feel pretty. I feel sexy most of the time. Not so much right now b/c I have this zit on my jaw that I could live without, but the rest of the time I’m fine. There are just too many prettier people that work in my building. Yeah, that’s what it is.

Date guy came over Sunday night and cooked me dinner. And did dishes. I don’t know what to think. I’m not used to such treatment. It’s nice. We watched a movie that was pretty good. He wrote about how we have these conversations with one another through our blogs. Which is true. It probably should stop though. and I know you’re reading this, and I think I’m going to email you about some things this afternoon. And I’m going to do that instead of wait until later this evening to talk to you only b/c I don’t want to forget things!

I said I was going to write a lot yesterday, but I got busy and never went back to it. I’m not sure if I’ll finish what I started today or not either. Sorry about that. Since I know now that there are more people reading this and actually taking to mind what I say, I’m trying to self-censor myself before I upset too many people. Not that it bothers me that people get upset, I’m just tired of having confrontations with so many people so much of the time. I’ll finish this later.


Monday, April 19, 2004


i have a lot i want to say today about various topics, but i'm going with this first.

This is taken from the most recent issue of Rolling Stone (Issue 947, April 29, 2004). it's an editorial concerning the state of the 'war on culture' as they put it. RS doesn't put their magazine on their website, so i typed it up real fast. I hope you enjoy.

Time to Fight
Who will stand up to the war on culture?

Janet Jackson’s breast is the 9/11 of the new culture war. But who has answered the alarm? So far, only Viacom CEO Sumner Redstone and Viacom president Mel Karmazin. Both have come under government attack from the Federal Communications Commission and Congress, and both have spoken up: Redstone to say to an investors’ conference, “I don’t know about you guys, but to me a woman’s breast is not such a big deal,” and Karmazin to say, of media giant Clear Channel, “Another company canceled Howard [Stern’s] show for no reason other than that they were going to Washington [to] testify and just didn’t seem to have the courage to stand up for programming what they aired.”

We applaud Redstone’s and Karmazin’s courage. Where are the other network-TV presidents, radio executives, cable-TV owners and record-label chiefs – the executives who profit most from popular culture and the freedoms of the First Amendment? If FCC chairman Michael Powell has his way, we will return to a time half a century ago when you couldn’t show Elvis Presley on television from the waist down.

At the end of March, when Powell met with the National Association of Broadcasters, he issued this threat: “Heavier government entanglement through a ‘dirty-conduct code’ will not only chill speech, it may deep-freeze it. It might be an ice age that would last a very long time.”

And make no mistake: The chill is already here. Record companies are hoping to avoid government pressure by toning down music videos and pushing artists to edit lyrics; live TV broadcasts are on time delays to prevent artists from saying or doing anything that could be deemed offensive. And it doesn’t stop there: When Howard Stern defended himself by pointing out that Oprah Winfrey has explained explicit sexual slang on a show about teen sexuality, the FCC responded by investigating Oprah. They’re threatening to add daytime soap operas to the list.

Oprah? Daytime soaps? These are not cultural dangers. How much clearer could it be that the FCC’s crusade is an excuse to proceed with an out-of-date Christian-right agenda? As of yet, only two leaders of entertainment companies have stood up to say just how ridiculous this is. But our silence gives power to pop-culture critics. We call on the executives at the major record labels – Universal, Sony, Warner Music Group, EMI and BMG – as well as those at CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox to defend their creative visions and the rights of artists to express themselves.

We need figures of courage and strength to fight back in the war on culture.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

if you know how to fix my table over there on the left...which is causing my archives & blogchalk to be right justified instead of centered...please email me or leave a comment or something. grar! i'm tired of reading code.