weekend ramblings
1. the new harry potter is awesome. i'm like halfway through it (ok i can't put it down...) and well i love it. i'd say more but i want to finish it and then maybe i'll write a review or something. i really need to go back and read the old ones! it's been so long!
2. the first friend i ever made in elementary school was crowned Miss Arkansas last night. how cool is that? i didn't even know it until i read the paper this morning and her picture was there on the front page. congratulations to her! that's two Miss Arkansas' i've known in like the past 3 years.
3. i found out today, from my mother who heard from my aunt, that my picture is hanging in the airport promoting UALR. and it's a big picture. why haven't i heard about this? shouldn't i be making royalities or something? i need someone to catch a flight out of Little Rock and take a picture of the advertisement with my picture on it. maybe it will still be there when i go to NC at the end of August.
4. mosquito bites are awful. i haven't had one in like three years and right now i have two. do those citronella candles really work?
5. i need to be prostituting myself out so i can pay my bills in a couple of weeks. how else can i get $300 fast? i hate asking anyone for money, including my parents since i seem to be a mooch. i definately need to be finding another job.
6. positive responses from my who am i? post. thanks very much for your support. it took me being at a very low point to pour all that out, but i do feel much better now.
7. i went to the new starbucks today. if you don't know, the only starbucks within a 50 mile radius of my apartment was in the barnes and noble store up until last week. i had a mocha frap like i always do and a slice of banana bread. it was awesome. just like i remembered it from visiting
insert major city name here. i'm glad they finally chose to open up shop here (with a 2nd one to open like July 4th i think).
i think i'm going to go back to my reading now. HP, the newspaper, new Rolling Stone and new Cosmo seem to take up my whole entire relaxing weekend.