Saturday, June 28, 2003

vietnam, anyone?

what is up with these soldiers being killed in iraq? i woke up this morning to learn that the two kidnapped soldiers have been found, dead. why? why are we letting these people, who obviously don't want our help, murder our soldiers? i know if you're for all of this occupation you're going to say that the Iraqi's don't know what they want, therefore we must interfere to make their country better. maybe their country doesn't need to be better? they aren't giving up their weapons, and they're obviously not preventing our soliders from being mercilessly killed.

how many soldiers died in vietnam? that was way before my time, but i think it was in the hundreds of thousands. is this what we're aiming for in Iraq?

when a soldier is killed, in mid daylight, shot point blank in the back of the head, in the middle of a busy market, while he's shopping for dvds, shouldn't someone stand up and say this is ridiculous?



Friday, June 27, 2003

what did she say?

this new blogger layout is pretty cool. it's a lot more aestheticly pleasing than that black and orange stuff. i'm biased though b/c i like blue a lot.

i don't like how when i want to view my blog it doesn't open in a new window. they could at least give me the option to do that (ahem ahem).

i feel like i'm still asleep mostly so none of this post is going to make sense.

no weird nude dreams last night...thank goodness.

a friend of mine told me the other day that he has taken up taekwando. lindsey (girl @ work) and i laughed for the longest time about that yesterday. and i know he's going to kill me, but i'm not laughing at him...i'm laughing about the visuals i get in my head. like him starring in some kung-fu movie. yeah yeah, it's probably not the same martial art in the movies as taekwando, but it's still pretty funny to me. (don't take it personal! don't get mad!)

i need to give in and call my dad and ask for some money. my pride and my stubborness are going to get me in trouble if i wait much longer. it's payday week so surely he's got something laying around ;)

i'm thinking about drinking meal replacement beverages instead of eating. and taking some vitamins or something to make sure i've got all the nutrients covered. what do you think?

this time next week i will still be in bed. thank goodness for holidays. they usually come at just the right time, don't ya think?

i need July 4th plans. i need someone to go to the symphony with me. hell, i went to riverfest by myself so i could probably handle Pops on the River too. we'll see.

i like fridays. we usually leave early on fridays. and i get to wear jeans. can i be any happier? no.

Thursday, June 26, 2003


that's my reason for not posting anything in almost a week. nothing has been going on really. work all day, do some chores when you get home and go to sleep.

i haven't felt very well which might explain why i've been in a pretty crappy mood. i think the reality of different aspects of my life are starting to really sink in (i know that makes no sense to you, but it does to me) and well reality never makes a person happy.

i'm tired of who i am. i need like a lifestyle/physical/emotional makeover. do they offer those on the style network? i want new friends and new clothes and a new body to put those clothes on. i want a new city to live in. i want to think differently about things and people. i know that none of this will ever happen, but still..a girl can dream, right?

i had this dream last night that i was at a party at this girl i knew (and did not like) in high school's house. "the guy i like" went with me to this party and i have no idea what was going on but i somehow lost my shirt? and i didn't have a bra on? so i had to wander around this party with my hands over my boobs (like that prevents anyone from seeing anything). and then when i found "the guy i like," he was totally appalled and left the room. i think i fell asleep or something at the party, still topless, and "the guy i like" brought in my shirt and threw it at me and called me some awful names and stomped out. so whatever that was about. the alarm woke me up before i could get some explanation.

i spent some time before i went to bed looking at my rolls in the mirror and cursing myself. that probably is the true reason why all of that happened.

anyway...i've got to go to work and to do that, i've got to get dressed.


Sunday, June 22, 2003

weekend ramblings

1. the new harry potter is awesome. i'm like halfway through it (ok i can't put it down...) and well i love it. i'd say more but i want to finish it and then maybe i'll write a review or something. i really need to go back and read the old ones! it's been so long!

2. the first friend i ever made in elementary school was crowned Miss Arkansas last night. how cool is that? i didn't even know it until i read the paper this morning and her picture was there on the front page. congratulations to her! that's two Miss Arkansas' i've known in like the past 3 years.

3. i found out today, from my mother who heard from my aunt, that my picture is hanging in the airport promoting UALR. and it's a big picture. why haven't i heard about this? shouldn't i be making royalities or something? i need someone to catch a flight out of Little Rock and take a picture of the advertisement with my picture on it. maybe it will still be there when i go to NC at the end of August.

4. mosquito bites are awful. i haven't had one in like three years and right now i have two. do those citronella candles really work?

5. i need to be prostituting myself out so i can pay my bills in a couple of weeks. how else can i get $300 fast? i hate asking anyone for money, including my parents since i seem to be a mooch. i definately need to be finding another job.

6. positive responses from my who am i? post. thanks very much for your support. it took me being at a very low point to pour all that out, but i do feel much better now.

7. i went to the new starbucks today. if you don't know, the only starbucks within a 50 mile radius of my apartment was in the barnes and noble store up until last week. i had a mocha frap like i always do and a slice of banana bread. it was awesome. just like i remembered it from visiting insert major city name here. i'm glad they finally chose to open up shop here (with a 2nd one to open like July 4th i think).

i think i'm going to go back to my reading now. HP, the newspaper, new Rolling Stone and new Cosmo seem to take up my whole entire relaxing weekend.
