Friday, August 20, 2004

silent all these years

ok it's just been like 2 weeks since i said anything, but for as often as i post i'm sure it felt like years. i also wanted to say something since i'm going on vaykay sunday morning (Flight leaves at 645a, what was i thinking?). 3 weeks of silence from me, and i'm afraid people will think i died.

what has been going on around here? even i don't know half the time. here's what i can come up with right now:

work succcks. i worked a whopping 2 days this week. i was sick monday, worked tues/weds, got mad and faked getting sick thurs so i went home after being there like an hour, and called in today as well. might as well start my vacation early. everybody in MC is sick so i'm thinking that's why i can't shake this cold i've had for more than a week. the longer i stay away, the better. everyone thinks i'm going to quit, but i think it's more fun to stick around long enough for them to fire me. my pay got cut effective on the paycheck that i had to ask for monday. see i usually have direct deposit, but since i moved from salary to hourly (or so i'm told) i didn't get paid this week. and i was furious. so they cut me a check. unfortunately, that's when i find out that i'm making about 2 dollars less than i was before. so i'm whatever anger level is higher than furious. isn't that illegal? you can't just cut someone's pay without letting them know what they will be paid at and especially if i have never done anything wrong. surely at least. it's just a load of crap. anyway...i am on a job search. if you know of anything good, let me know.

in laurie's appearance news: i finally got my hair colored this week (cut last week). i am so happy to not have those trailer trash roots anymore. i'm back to being a brunette . i'm down 2 clothing sizes (yay!). carrie brought me some of her clothes yesterday because she's lost a looooooooot of weight too. so since my clothes are too big, as are hers, she's helping me out with a smaller size and cleaning out her stuff. and she buys great clothes so it's kinda like christmas. she used to wear this black skirt to work that i was in love with, and she brought it for me. AHHH! i love it. i love her. she's great.

yeah yeah...i guess i need to update my mike situation. still don't know the answer to "what's the point?" things are different this week though. i didn't go to work monday because i didn't feel good so he took care of me. we had dinner blahblah and then went back to his house to watch wrestling. well at dinner he's like "i have to be at work at 5a tomorrow, do you think you could take me?" and i was hell freakin no i'm not getting up at 4:00 just to take you to work. so instead he ended up spending the night with me and i got up at 445 and took him to work. haha. i live closer to the gym than he does so it kinda made more sense that way. anyway...the story i was going to tell with this was that while we were laying in bed i said something about us acting like an old married couple because we don't do anything interesting anymore. and he kinda laughed and said he saw my point. the sex ban is off apparently because we did that and then like the rest of the night he kept his arms around me. it was.....really sweet. i dunno! like when we first started messing around, we'd have sex and he'd sorta cuddle with me for a while but then he'd move to his side of the bed and go to sleep and now it's like even when i scoot over he moves over to be close to me. what's up with that?

i know he likes me. i just don't understand why we are fighting this whole reality that we are in a relationship. it's probably because he is so set on moving back to texas (by the end of october, as he let me know this week), so i guess if he got attached to me, that wouldn't go with the plan. well that works both ways because i don't want to get attached when i know he's just going to leave me in a couple of months. i don't know. he calls me every morning, and at first i was thinking that he was calling because he wanted something (a ride, dinner, entertainment, whatever), but now it's like i ask if i need to come pick him up and he's like no. he just wanted to know what i was doing. what would he do if i just quit answering the phone? i'd like to say the world would stop turning, but i'm not sure of that.

tomorrow night we're supposed to go do something. we were supposed to catch a movie tonight, but he's stuck at Tis's house with no ride, and i'm not driving out to swshizzle to get him. so maybe we'll catch the movie tomorrow. he's going to have to spend the night if he's taking me to the airport. i do not want to have to get up early just so i have enough time to go by his house too. and i think if we do go do something, i'm going to ask some serious questions as to what is going on (and i have to keep myself from wussing out). i guess if he gives me the wrong answers, then i'll take myself to the airport and use next week as some cleansing process. and if he gives the right answers, then i guess i'll be happy with what i've got and stop blogging this mindless whiny girl crap.

i'm going to nikki's! yay! i get to see my godpuppy! and john mayer! how great of a vacation is this? well deserved.

be back in a week + a few days.
