Saturday, January 17, 2004

beautiful weekend

for staying in bed at least. i love rainy/foggy days. i wasted mine today at the mall though. big sales! new clothes! hooray!

what's going on here? that's a good question. nothing really. don't i say that every week? the drama from last sunday i forgot about until i reread what i'd written. that's funny. i love it when i'm so busy during the week i basically forget other people exist.

going out with larmon was fun last weekend. i'm glad that he's doing so well. he got a new car! i was very surprised!

boss is out of the hospital. knowing him, he'll be back at work on tuesday.

i was supposed to go hang out with one of the guys from work tonight but i bailed. i was so tired from being out all day and the weather is icky and i just wasn't in the mood to go out.

i finally got the internet working on my phone...except they had to give me a new phone to make it work. so i lost all my phone numbers and my john mayer pics i took. very pissed about this. glad the stuff i'm paying for finally works though.

i need to stop flirting with old guys on the internet. i'm sooooooo bored with my life right now. it needs spice. there's no one i really honestly like though. and that sucks.

i found someone that shares my birthday. it's quite odd. kinda cool though too.

shout out to whoever has this weird IP address that reads my blog everyday. i love it when non-aol people stop by. don't ask me how i know who reads my's magic.

congrats to nikki and moose who finally are getting their first base house. and it's a huge one. as long as i have a place to sleep when i come over, i'm happy. hehe. now they can have babies! AHHH!!

my mom and aunt came over today. my mom came in my bedroom and was like "you really need a new bedroom set." helloooooooo i've been saying that for like two years now. my freakin mattress is older than i am. i think it's time we got some new furniture. at least there's no sex being had on this old bed. hah. it might collapse under the pressure.

i guess that's it for now. monday is my last holiday until the monday before vegas. boo and yay at the same time. hehe. yaaaaaaaaay vegasssssss!!!!! boo on a month without holidays :P


Sunday, January 11, 2004

shady...just flat out shady

you know. i go out of my way most of the time to please people. you give me a little, i'll give a little back. it's a fair trade system you know?

so when/if you tell me something in confidence, when i hear such news, i do plan to keep it to myself. i swear to that. but if such story contains information that could affect someone else in a negative fashion, i reserve the right to repeat such story to that someone in order to prevent the negative reprocussion.

the whole point of me telling that someone else was not to piss off/screw over/put in danger person number 1, the person who told me the info in the first place. but person number 2 should have the decency to not go back to person number 1 to verify the information. that only makes people mad and i'm hated just b/c i was trying to help.

so now, person number 1 hates me and i hate person number 2. is that how the system is supposed to work?

it's not that i can't keep a secret. i just can't keep the secrets that endanger others. it's like if you came up to me and said "look...don't tell anyone, but i'm making a bomb in my basement and i'm going to blow up something big." i'm calling the cops dude. i don't care how good of a friend you are to me. you're ignorant and you deserve to be in jail. of course, what i was told was not nearly as serious as that, but it was still pretty messed up.

so whatever. when i know people don't like me/are mad at me/want me dead, it bothers me for a few hours and then i'm over it. why waste valuable sleep time over people who get all worked up over little things?
