woo pig
i intend to write more often than once a week, but for some reason, monday morning is like the only time i sit down and bang something out. today it's b/c i'm procrastinating on dusting and cleaning the bathroom (and exercising). and i can't say i don't write because there's nothing going on, because there is tons going on. i just never remember everything that happened on monday morning.
last week was very interesting though. my dad got fired from his job wednesday. i can't really say what for but i think (i hope) it was a bunch of lies and now that he "retired early" then all of this will go away and leave our family alone. so wednesday and thursday i was pretty upset and worried about what was going to happen. it's good now. since dad retired, he's actually making a little more money than he was when he was working. he's a lot happier now too.
friday i went with my parents to the bank to see about getting them a loan so they can pay off my credit cards. yay! mom called and actually wanted to refinance my car but i told her it would be better for me if they would just give me some money to pay the cc off. i pay more a month on cc's than i do on the car. and then i'll just have to pay the loan off which will still give me like an extra 200 bucks a month. which i guess will absorb a big chunk of that pay cut i took. they have a meeting tomorrow with the loan lady and i guess by weds or so i'll find out whats going on. i'm pretty happy for the potential of closing those accounts. credit cards are bad! (but look at all the cool stuff i have and things i've done because of them....heh)
i went to work all 5 days last week. i think that was the first time in over a month. yay for me! starting tonight, i'm going to be working 4p-2a because overnights is short on people and i need the overtime. i'm doing this for 5 days a week to start and then as more people get on overnights and my shift, i'm hoping i can do it 4 days a week and get 3 days off. but working 50 hours a week will produce almost enough money to get my checks back to where they were. just sucks i have to work extra to do that.
saturday we went to the razorback game (hence the title of this). it was pretty fun. the weather was great and the game was high scoring so we cheered a lot. i went with mike and he'd never been to a real football game (ok he said he saw Baylor once...but seriously...baylor?) and he had a wonderful time. i forgot they don't sell beer at the game anymore, so he didn't like that too much, but that just means we have a better plan for the LSU game in november. my youngest brother was sitting 4 sections from us and we found him pretty fast and apparently my other brother was somewhere on the golf course just hanging out during the whole game. that's not a bad idea really. lots of people had satellites and tvs set up so they could watch other games and i'm guessing a large number of people didn't even have tickets to the game. we parked at mike's apt since it's like across the street and walked over to the game. before the game we just hung out on his patio watching the people fight for 20 dollar parking spots and roaming his street.
after the game we were going to watch the De La Hoya fight, but Tis couldn't come over b/c his dog died and mike didn't want to foot the $60 PPV bill on his own. so we watched some other football games and SNL and a few other random shows. i went home at 130 because i had to get up and go to cabot on sunday. he was in one of those 'don't go' moods when i got up to leave which is kinda cute, but he should have said something like 2 hours earlier.
yesterday i had a mike free day, for the most part. i went to cabot. came home. one of his ebay orders came in so i text msged him to let him know it was here and he said sweet or something back and that was it. so i put some ebay stuff up and watched a movie and my cartoons and got in bed and at like midnight he txts me and says something sweet i guess because we didn't really talk or hang out yesterday at all. with my new work schedule, we aren't going to hang out at all anymore during the week except for those few minutes where we trade cars. i guess we'll see how that works out.
friday night we're going to see van halen. i have my earplugs ready ;) i'm sure it will be a great show. he's like super stoked about it. brad's supposed to get us razorback tickets in fayetteville and we've got tickets to the Pistons game at the alltel in october. AND i want to go to some grizzlies games this year (more than one!), so we have a pretty exciting fall scheduled so far. that's kinda scary that i have plans with someone for like the next two months.
still looking for a job. i usually do that on mondays (using sunday's paper and my list of webpages that i check frequently). 2 positions that i applied for a couple of weeks ago, and felt pretty good about, close this week, so i'm hoping i can get an interview sometime soon.
my weight loss has stalled at -20 pounds. mike wants me to come to the gym and talk to his personal trainer friend, but i know right at this moment, i have no money to pay for a personal trainer, or a gym membership. i'm thinking that if the money goes through for my cc's, then whatever i have left, i'm going to spend on the gym and Sandy. she's like a bodybuilder and i'm sure she'll be tough on me. but that's what i need! and mike said he can't be like that if he was my PT. so maybe in a couple of weeks i can have a conversation with ms. sandy. i obviously need motivation and a swift kick in the ass considering i'm typing a post on my blog instead of exercising today.
anyway. if i would write more than once a week, these posts would be a helluva lot shorter, but i don't, so deal with it. :)