Wednesday, April 28, 2004

lessons you should learn

ahh...see....this is the reaction i was totally going for. thanks to chris, matt and lauren for firing back. those things you said hurt my feelings so badly :( i may have to submit myself to rehab or something!

don't you think it's kinda funny how i was probably the person on your mind practically all day b/c i made you so mad? so mad that you posted a link in your blog to mine (thanks for those extra hits btw...helps me in the long run). so mad that other people have to go on verbal tirades in their own journals. i love it.

now for that lesson thing....maybe you should reexamine your life and look at how an online person (me) could upset you to this extent. see, to me, aol people are not real. unless i see you face to face and speak to you, you do not exist in my world. i don't care if i met you once at some party or hung out with you when i was younger. if i haven't seen you in the past year, you do not exist. this is why i can say these things and not really think twice about it. you saying stuff about me only makes me laugh harder. maybe i'm just a cold, unemotional bitch. sorry i don't get worked up over things i see typed on a computer screen.

oh yeah...and if you're going to be a true combatant...why don't you be a man and put your name on your comments? just b/c i know who's talking doesn't mean everyone else does...and your name adds tons of credibility. that's what you want, right?

i also realized the total misconceptions people have of me. they are hilarious though! i rather not specify which never know when someone else could go on a rant about how much they hate me and i'd hate for the truth to be involved with it.

aw and now half the aol people hate me. how sad! what am i to do?

oh, right. nothing! b/c i don't care! yay!

blog angry, sad children.


Tuesday, April 27, 2004

this is directed at you...and you know who you are

at first it was cute.

you're so unoriginal that you had to go get a blog. and instead of using the freebee that aol offers, you choose to go the blogger/blogspot route like me. too bad your color scheme is an eyesore.

then someone noted how your profile looked similar to mine. then someone else pointed out how you were using acronyms like i use them. what, like two weeks ago i said something about how i was better than most people and how that wasn't me being cocky, it was me being honest and self-assured. nice that you decide to take on that same attitude this week.

now it's just fucking annoying.

are you so down on yourself that you have to get other people to tell you how great you are all the time? are you so lame that you have to copy someone who has a decent amount of self-esteem in order to make yourself seem almighty? seriously, next thing i'm going to hear is that you're driving a car like mine. or hanging out with the guys, drinkin beer, and watching basketball like i do. hell, do you want a job in television toO? i can hook that up for you if you'd like.

my life is nothing to get so excited about you want to copy it. i won't complain about my life though. i've got solid friends who love me and take care of me and i'm not going through a different guy every week looking for acceptance and affection. i'm successful in my career which just happens to be in the field i want to spend the rest of my life working. at least i'm not falling in front of everyone begging for attention, affection, friendship, respect.

i was trying to be grown up about all of this drama. i thought if i just said nothing and sit back for a while, things would blow over. it hasn't though. and i'm impatient.

i hope you do read this. i hope you do respond. and if someone tells you that this is about you, then don't you realize how obvious it is that you are copying me?

lame. that's like the best word i can come up with to describe this. immature also, but lame includes immature for me. especially in this situation.

go do your own thing for a change. get off mine.


Monday, April 26, 2004

attention mongers

This has been on my mind like all weekend, and for some reason more so today, and I thought since I have so many avid readers, maybe I could present it to you and someone could help solve this problem.

I have a friend who thinks he has fallen in love with this girl. Normally, I’d be supportive, but this girl treats him like crap. She has the weirdest mood swings where sometimes she’s sweet to him but the rest of the time she is the biggest bitch. She says the meanest things when he’s not around, and it seems to me that she’s just using him for the attention. Maybe b/c I’m not observing this relationship all the time, I’m missing something. Maybe I’m reading this all wrong! It’s just that from what I’ve seen so far, I’m not missing anything. He is so in love with her that he doesn’t accept the fact she’s using him.

I want to either smack her for being such an attention-starved bitch, or smack him for being so ignorant as to be blinded by her beauty.

And I’m not really saying this b/c I wish I was with him. It would be nice, but that’s just a bunch of drama I’m not interested in having in my life. I just care about certain people and I want to see them happy. Not miserable b/c Ms. Bitch hasn’t called him in a month.

Should I say something to him or her? Should I just keep my nose in my own business? If I did that though, I’d feel like I was not being a true friend to the guy. The girl could go fall off a cliff for all I care. She gets on my nerves anyway.

And even though this sounds like a familiar online relationship between two individuals some of you know, I promise you it’s not. The same advice would probably apply though.

There’s more to life than being in some chronic (meaning probable, incurable death) romantic relationship. Why do people feel the need to be attached to someone all the time? I have no desire to call anyone my boyfriend. I’m probably just as much of an attention monger as the next female, but I don’t really flip out when that attention goes away. Sure, I miss it right now. I don’t think I’d do anything different though. I just want to kiss him. What's the harm in that?
