Sunday, August 07, 2005

another day.....

i'm alright now. the financial situation was resolved, for the most part. mom and i had one of those Lifetime phone conversations and she gave me some money and we're not to speak of it in front of my dad. haha. i dunno. after i hung up with her, i felt really bad about 'hating' her so much when i was younger. when i don't live with my mother, i realize that she's not so awful and all she really wants to do is help. i should share things with her more than i do now. she knows that mike and i broke up now and she was real sympathetic. who would have thunk that laurie and her mom would become sorta good friends. i'm not going to call her everyday or anything, but i may try harder to talk to her once a week instead of every two weeks or so.

i do have a paypal account (haha rex) if you ever have any spare change in your couch cushions that you want to deposit into your bank and then transfer into mine. the link is over there on the left...below links and before archives i think. you'd think having the same format on my blog for over 2 years, i'd know the order of the stuff in the left column. oops.

i saw a bunch of old equity people at west end the other night. i didn't mention it when i was wallowing in my sorrows. it was a lot of fun, even if i only met up with them for an hour. they want me to go out with them like every night i'm off from work, but hell i know i can't afford that. i'll probably catch some dollar beer at the bowling alley next wednesday though. two of the guys were fighting over who i was going home with...and even though i love them both dearly...i just wanted to go home by myself. i dunno if i want to get involved with a friend again yet. it's easy, but after the breakup, it's not so great. one guy has a girlfriend (heh) and the other has the biggest mouth this side of the mississippi, so it's not healthy either way. i don't miss working there, but i do miss working with the people.

my ebay auctions close sunday if you know any women that wear lane bryant sizes...look up my auctions with my seller id - starchiica0. there's a gameboy on there too with 5 games..and i think right now the bid is like $56. it's robbery, but i need the cash.

you know, i said earlier that i am doing okay...but actually, now that i think about it, i'm doing good. my life is good. thanks for being a part of it!

as mariah says: i gotta shake it off
