Saturday, October 15, 2005

carrie is dangerous

last night we went to west end to supposedly meet up with some equity friends. of course, they didn't show up, but we had an awesome time nonetheless.

carrie and i were just hanging out at our corner table talking about whatever and carrie says "man i wish some cute guys would come over and buy us drinks!" and i swear, like 2 minutes later, these two guys come and sit at our table and start buying our drinks.

they were really nice guys....kinda young (22), but cute. we had pretty good conversation (i think) and did i mention they were buying our drinks? all 4 of us were pretty loaded by the time the bar was closing.

we took them home since their apartment was on our way and they were dropped off. i ended up making out with one of the guys (ha! can you believe that?) and he was so begging to come to our apartment or us to inside their apartment. i may have been drunk, but i always have my defenses up. after some empty promises about getting together today or sunday, they finally got out of carrie's SUV (she gets so mad when i call it a truck) and we made it home safely, and without boys.

i think the guy called me earlier, but he didn't leave a message and i still have the 'i don't answer numbers i don't recognize' policy. why can't i just have a meaningless makeout session with a stranger and leave it at that? it was fun and that's all i was looking for really.

i do know his name, in case you were wondering. hehe. he used to be a marine! i know somewhere on my list of qualifications it says 'no military experience.' although he's out of the service now and getting a degree in business. see, i do remember things i say/hear/do while i'm drinking. neener!

the night was totally outside of my box. and when i was watching tv at 9pm last night, i never imagined i'd end up kissing a guy later. i've got to admit, i don't think a guy has ever sat down with me at a bar and starting buying tons of drinks. that's really good for the ol' self esteem.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005


rumor has it that mike goes to church.

if you know him then this should be as funny to you as it is to me.

the things people do to get the poo-tang.
