Friday, August 19, 2005

Short blurbs

I downloaded this blogger for Word program to see how it works. Might make posting easier, as if it wasn’t easy enough already.

I went running today for the first time in like 6 weeks! My ankle was sore at first, and I’ll probably be aching tomorrow, but I’m glad I did it. Time to get back into the routine!

Thanks to nikki and ross for adding me as friends on now I don’t seem like such a loser on there. haha

Ooh….this is going to capitalize sentences for me…I dunno how I like that.

I bought these grapes at Kroger that are as big as my thumb. They are quite tasty though – very juicy and sweet.

I talked to mike the other day. I needed to talk to him to like fill a void or something. It felt really good to hear his voice and every time I tried to get off the phone he kept the conversation going so maybe he hasn’t replaced me yet either? He said we should go do something this weekend, but I dunno. We’ll see. I do kinda want to watch wrestlin’ on Sunday…

I need to hop in the shower and prepare for another exciting evening of UPN programming! Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, August 15, 2005

blasts from the past

if it wasn't strange enough being contacted for a job interview by an old babysitter, i got an email this morning from a guy i rode the school bus with when i was in elementary school. Eric made me sign up on a few weeks ago and i honestly forgot all about it and then i get this random email which at first totally blew my mind. it's cool though! everyone knows i have no contact with Cabot people besides those that are blood relatives. ha. my friends from high school have just kinda drifted off..i have no idea where any of them are now (except nikki..who i guess is still in NC).

so that got me thinking, and searching myspace to see who else is out there that i know. and i found a lot of people - not necessarily friends, just people. one girl has a professional headshot as her profile pic and she lives in california. a few other people still live in cabot/jacksonville. i's weird seeing people 8 years later and how they look and what they do now. people change! myself included, of course.

i also googled this guy i was madly in love with when i was a freshman in high school. he's an assistant basketball coach for some division 2 school in mississippi. there's a picture and a bio which was interesting. that guy wouldn't give me the time of day back then, and i'm sure he wouldn't now either. haha. glad he's doing what i always thought he was suited for. now i hope he ends up with a dead end high school coaching job and gets fat and bald. hah. yeah...sometimes i do wish bad things upon others. it's only fair!

anyway...if you join myspace, you can probably have as much fun as i am looking up old people. also look me up so i can have more than 3 friends. hehe


Sunday, August 14, 2005

back from the dead...

yeah...i took a week off from bloggin'. i haven't had much to say really, or at least i can't remember anything i've left out. i started (actually, went back to) playing games on pogo, so when i'm bored or i'm thinking too much about things, i usually lose myself in a game of lottso!

i have an interview tomorrow morning with another tv station here in town. not doing master control, but some administrative stuff. it turns out the lady that does the interviews used to babysit my brothers and me when we were kids. that was a strange coincedence. anyway, it's daytime hours and monday - friday, plus it pays like 2 dollars more than i make now, so i'd be happy with it.

a month or so ago, my parents suggested that i move back to cabot in order to save money and i totally freaked out. i don't want to move back in with them for a number of reasons, but now the principle of it is almost more appealing than the absolute misery that i know will come with it. if i can't find a job and i'm not able to support myself by the end of the year, then i'll probably move back. it's painful to say that, but most of my bills are a result of me living here by myself.

i think tuesday, my brother and i are going to go to magic springs. since i can't go to six flags (rar!), i guess it's a decent substitute. i haven't been there in a few years, so i'm sure there's something new and exciting. i did get pit passes to see the Foo Fighters/Weezer show in Dallas next month. maybe then i can squeeze in a trip to six flags...i just have to figure out who i want to invite to the show.

last night i had a pretty bad spell of missing mike. i haven't talked to him in over two weeks and i haven't seen him since our little makeout session like a month ago. i'd been doing pretty well up until then actually. i just really really want to talk to him, but i'm not calling. strength! willpower! you can do it!

i need mr. rebound to waltz into my life. ha. i'm crushin' on one of the reporters at work, but i heard he had a girlfriend, so i'm laying low. he just seems like someone i could relax around, not worrying about appearences and what to say and stuff. i always thought (incorrectly, i know) that mike was out of my league, so i was always nervous about saying the wrong thing or looking like a cow. i don't want to be in a relationship like that again. and now i have a bit more experience under my belt, things should flow a bit smoother.

i'm off next weekend and i need some good cheap plans. any suggestions?
