Saturday, October 01, 2005

things i learned this week

*there is no easy way to get to the capital at 8am on a weekday coming from highway 10 west.

*There is also no easy way to leave one job and start another the following monday. i swear i'm missing some money in my last clear channel check!

*waking up at 6am isn't so long as i get into bed by 11.

*working out in the afternoon isn't's just really difficult to get motivated.

*cold weather is so awesome.

*just because they were friends with mike, doesn't mean they'll stop being my friends when we split up.

*marketplace grill has the best desserts and a freakin awesome chicken berry salad.

*nathan and jarrett tell some of the best stories.

*the michigan football team isn't hopeless after all! it just sucks i didn't even pick them this week..and those are my boys!

*don't count your chickens before they've hatched. the best cliche to describe my friday.

*281.330.8004 hit mike jones up on the low! ah...don't ask if you don't know already...

*i really really really really suck at pool. i don't even think the world champion could help me out.

*i appreciate sleep and sugar free red bull more and more everyday.

*my new job is going to be like a month. once i know what i'm doing, i think i'll love it.


maybe i'll post something legit later. i'm too sleepy now.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

so tired

i dunno what i want to say honestly. just let you know i'm alright. new job is pretty neat. i haven't done any actual work until today, but that's alright. there's just so much information to absorb and sometimes i think my sponge is full.

and it probably didn't help that i went to play pool with bill and april last night. i'm not adjusted to my new schedule, and then i don't roll in until 1230am? hehe it was fun though. i totally suck at pool.

i have so many things to do around here! and i'm just flat out too tired to do them tonight. if anyone would like to come by and take one of my tasks, i'll pay you back in some non-monetary form.

when did i become so self-consious about things? i get nervous calling my business contacts and these people don't even know me. i used to be overly confident and now i'm just....weak or something. i dunno. i need to work on that.

i've started talking to russett potato again. he was like a SFM in like feb '04. if you don't know what that is...i guess you need to go back to feb 04 and check it out. he's alright. definitely interesting to talk to and flirt with.

i talked to ross for like two seconds last night toO! it was my fault it wasn't more, but i promise i'll call back soon.

yeah how's that for a jumbled up post? i had a few things i wanted to say like yesterday, but my mind is cloudy tonight so i have no idea what they were. if it comes back....i'll be sure to write them down. don't hold your breath though.

watch veronica mars.


Sunday, September 25, 2005

hot - sticky - grossness

my air conditioner apparently decided to stop working sometime while i was asleep (which would be any time between 9pm - 8:30am), so it's quite tropical inside my apartment this morning.

i had this crazy dream earlier where i was harry potter and some girl gave me some candy from the weasley's joke shop that turned me into the person she was madly in love with. and my name was basil. and i started to change back into myself (as harry potter) while i was swimming in a pool at the slytherin house.

my imagination is fucked up, especially when i'm exhausted.

i left my drivers license at my mom's house, so i think i'm going to cabot again today. it's probably cooler there.

i think i'm ready for work tomorrow. waking up is going to be the first big hurdle. the first week or so should be easy since i'm 'training.'

michigan is just not good this year! i'm a little bummed about it, but then i look and see what the razorback fans are going through, and i'm thankful that we have a couple of wins (hehe). i can't believe they let the wisconsin QB run in for the winning touchdown, pretty much untouched, with :30 left in the game. i know we were defending the pass...but hell!

on wisconsin was my high school's fight it was fun to hear it again. and sing along! "on wisconsin, on wisconsin...on wisconsin onnnnnn! on wisconsin, on wisconsin on wisconsin onnnnnnnnn!! wisconsin!" nikki will read that and start singing along...i already feel it. hehe

they installed a jumbotron at my high school's football stadium. is that necessary in high school? we cruised by there on our way back from batesville yesterday afternoon, and it's quite massive...for a high school. compare that with the 50 year old gym they play basketball in...i wonder what sport we value more in cabot?

i'm hittin the road...the weather is definitely not as bad as i thought it would be today.
