merry christmas!
i will probably be considerably less bored this weekend than i am right now, so i thought i'd go ahead and get this christmas post out of the way. i'm at work. it's not quite 8am and there's 2 other people here besides me. i think we might make a grand total of 6 today (out of 20ish). i believe that indicates that i should leave at noon. excellent idea!
i was in a pretty shitty mood all week, but right now i feel good. i want to stay positive. no one likes a debbie downer during the holidays! besides, the glass is, for the most part, half full in the area that has been bringing me down.
for some reason, a lack of a response indicates something bad. who says it's bad though? is it human nature to automatically assume the worst? maybe one day i'll break that habit.
new years is going to be crazy if i go with the guys from work to the Peabody. I want more people there, so if you've got $40 to drop, c'monnn! i need a straight boy to kiss at midnight! (although, i wont' complain about the gay ones...kisses are kisses when you've been drinking)
anyway...i said i was good right? i think the christmas spirit has taken ahold of me and shaken all of the bah humbugs right out.
i just feel...content. not necessarily complete b/c i'm always wanting more, but enough is right with the world.
i want to wish you a merry christmas and happy holiday. i hope you cherish the time spent with family and friends, because as we all know, it doesn't last forever. make some good memories! take lots of pictures! sleep in (the hardest part for me...hehe)! cuddle with someone you love (or like a whole whole lot?)! make time for people you don't get to see on a daily basis! just be happy for what you have, and not what you didn't get.
i love you all! thanks for reading for another year!