look at the blogmonster go
i dunno what's up but i just feel like saying a lot this week. THE SUN IS SHINING! praise the lord! i don't think i could have managed another sunless, rainy day. don't get me wrong, i live for those grey january days when it's freezing cold, i just don't want the rain. vitamin K for everyone!
i wish i could give shout outs on this thing and end up with free food. i just finished a Tropical Smoothie Cafe turkey wrap, that i bought at 330p yesterday and kept in the refrigerator overnight. and it was still good. and the lettuce was still crunchy. how awesome is that? i love the smoothie cafe wraps. and apparently their tortilla-pizza things (tortizza?) are good too, i'm just more hungry than a tortilla usually. anyway. Tropical Smoothie Cafe on Kanis @ Bowman in the whatever shopping center...it's on the kanis side. i also recommend the king caesar chicken wrap.
i have a job interview at the evil empire in about 2 hours. i'm kinda nervous about it b/c i hate job interviews. i'll be okay! i'm just trying to think about how it's not like i have no job at all right now and i'm just looking for advancement, so if something goes horribly wrong and i don't get the job, it's okay. i will survive. i do feel like it's a job i would be good at, so i'm hoping this lady sees some potential in me. and i guess i'll have to get over calling this place the evil empire if they are paying my bills. hey, maybe they actually give raises to people who have worked there a year! what a novel idea! too bad my current employer doesn't believe in rewarding employees for their continuous service. yet another reason why i'm trying to find a new job!
something this interview made me realize is that i have like no halfway decent dressup clothes anymore. working in master control has spoiled me b/c i get to wear jeans and a t-shirt everyday.
i was reading old posts of mine from like last year just to see how things have changed. it's pretty funny. on like june 19, 2003, i wrote some crap about being a virgin and how i hated it. and then on june 19, 2004, there's a post about how i was no longer a member of the v-club. ironic? and in like january there's something about how my supervisor at work (= mike) was moving to day shift and how i was going to miss hanging out with him. mind you, back then i had no intentions of getting involved with him. he was just a cool guy to talk to and hang out with AT WORK. we didn't really do much of anything outside of work. and now it's weird if we don't see each other everyday. that's the cool thing about this blog i guess. you really can see how things evolve and how you got from that point way back then to where you are now. now i know you are all going to backtrack through both mine and your own blogs to see what i'm talking about. hit up the first week of october 2003 to see my first impressions of mike.
nba basketball has started and i'm pretty psyched. i can't really figure out why since i used to hate it, but i dunno! we're going to see the pistons this week! and hopefully catch some grizzlies games soon! mmmmm Pau Gasol...my lust...
i guess i need to get to work on straightening my frizzy mop of hair. i'll let you know how the interview goes....