when it rains.....i swear i have just endured the worst week possible for a human being. i have spent a few nights crying myself to sleep, and sometimes even a few days crying myself to sleep. it has just been that awful.
but now, i've decided to laugh in the face of defeat. HAHA!
where to begin...
mike and i talked a little last week. mostly about his trip to his parents and how busy he is establishing personal training clients. not much about me and whatever i'm going through. he's supposedly bringing me back some tamales from his aunt (who makes awesome mexican food...gee..she's mexican...hmm). i guess i'll believe it when it's in my refrigerator. i haven't heard from him since thursday and he left friday, so whatever. knowing him, he'll call me at like 3am when he's drunk and try to fix everything.
i miss him a lot. not all of him, just the good things of course. spooning especially. he's a good cuddler...although that's not manly and i'm sure he'd hate to know i say things like that.
tuesday i had to go to the eye doctor b/c my right eye felt like something was in it and hurt like a bitch for like a week. turns out i had some freaky infection on my eyelid probably caused by my contacts. i'm putting some eyedrops in and i'm supposed to go back in a month to see if it's cleared up. my eye doesn't hurt now though so yay...something must be working.
thursday my parents called while they were on the road to Biloxi, MS, on their way to visit my brother in Destin, FL. they have decided that it might be best if i moved back home to cabot to live with them. they are tired of giving me money to help pay my bills and obviously, eliminating rent/electricity/cable/water from my expenses would save them money. that hurt to hear. i know there is no way i could live with my family again. there's no room. there's no peace and quiet. i'd be getting home from work at like 2am! i know i'd be miserable. so now i'm working doubletime to figure out a way to avoid moving to cabot.
i'm not very close with my parents, so they have no idea about the whole mike situation. they probably don't even know that we were a couple. they met him a few times...but that was it. i guess if they did know, then me crying about moving back to cabot wouldn't have made such a big deal.
also on thursday, some lady leaving the YMCA rear ended my car as i was trying to pull off of my street to go to work. i was so mad about everything else i think i could of popped her head off. luckily, we all drive plastic cars these days and there was no damage on either vehicle. not even a paint scratch! so i was very relieved, and that lady should know how lucky she is.
oh yeah, and thursday i found out that the Atlanta job is on hold. the HR lady i'd been talking to was leaving the company the day i called, but she referred me to the new person taking her job, so i'm not totally screwed. apparently, manaagement has posponed the next training course, so it may be october before i get to go. i have the new contact person's information, and i will be emailing that lady every 2 weeks to find out if anything has happened yet. i want that job damnit. i want to move to atlanta. i want as far away from here as i can get (sometimes...).
so obviously, thursday was a splendid day!
friday my car wouldn't start after i finished my workout at the gym, so i had to walk home and then have AAA tow it to the mitsubishi dealer. i cried about that too. they replaced the battery like 3 weeks ago, but not the wires, so all they had to do was swap those out and everything was okay. while i was waiting, i did get to test drive the 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. and i swear i almost wet my pants. it was so incredibly awesome. i drove a black one that was fully loaded - leather, sunroof, v6, subwoofer in the trunk, 6 disc changer, power everything. i was in love. as soon as its financially possible (like in a year..ha) i'm so trading my car in for one of those. if i can't find a man to make me happy, why can't my car do it for me?
because everything else sucked so bad this week, i'd been making jokes to myself about how i was going to break my leg at the softball tournament this weekend. we lost our game friday night, but we finally won one saturday morning! yay! so saturday afternoon we had to play the evil equity empire (my former employer) and they beat us. but it was okay because i was hot and sunburnt and ready to go home by then. but! of course! i run after a pop up during the equity game and twist my ankle in a hole. so now i'm hobbling and my ankle is swollen and it hurts. i don't think it's broken, but it's definitely going to put a damper on my running.
it sucks that there's no one here to take care of me so i'm not limping to the kitchen to find something to eat. i have to go put gas in my car today too. it's a bitch getting up and down the stairs at my apartment.
i know you read the part about my parents going to visit my brother in destin, also known as hurricane dennis landing zone. it turned out that the hotel they were staying at friday night in FL was closing saturday morning, and brad's condo on the beach got shut down friday night. so brad is now back in cabot and my parents got in the car saturday and started driving north. last i heard they were going to either nashville or chattanooga, but they planned on getting back to arkansas today. i'm sure someone will call later to give me an update. brad was pretty bummed his summer vacation on the beach got cut a month short, but apparently their condos were old and the owners were afraid they may not make it through the storm. i'm just glad he's safe. i was supposed to go with them since this is my weekend off, but i decided i couldn't stand to be in a car with my parents for that long, so it's probably best that i'm crippled and at home instead of driving around georgia or tennessee or whereever they are at now.
hopefully this week will be better than last. seriously, how worse could it get?