what is the world coming to?
i know this is wrong, but for some reason i rather watch hurricane madness on tv and digest the information by myself than listen to everyone and their grandma spout their opinions on the situation. that's the only thing people are talking about...everywhere you go! i can only take so much suffering and sadness before it just depresses me so much, i don't want to get out of bed. so the tv stays off most of the time i'm home, except to watch Around the Horn and maybe Dr. Phil. but then i get to work and the guy i'm working with just wants to talk about how awful everything is. yeah...it's awful. i know. i'm sorry. i can't do anything except donate the unopened canister of oatmeal i have had in my pantry for a year. if i want to talk or hear about what's going on down there, i'll turn to MSNBC. otherwise, i'm content living in my safety shroud of ignorance.
although it is pretty awful. my dad left today (thursday) and i have no idea where they were being sent. i hope not nawlins, even though they need it the most. his DMAT (disaster medical assistance team) team (redundantly redundant) is at the mercy of FEMA though. i'll let you know when i learn something.
we filled up our 8th semi truck at work today with donated items. they've also collected $50,000. this is the power of a broadcasting conglomerate. management has decided that the donation drive will continue until people stop showing up with stuff. thanks arkansas :)
i worked a 12 hr shift today so i'm kinda...loopy/grouchy/annoyed/tired. and i have to spend the next 4 working days with the guy i dislike strongly....and he's sick so he'll probably keep his ass in his chair and make me do most of the work. and then next week i'll have whatever illness he has b/c that's how things work in master control. blah!
haven't been out with mike yet (ROSS!)...we did a text message marathon last night since i was exhausted from spending the entire day with my mother and our schedules don't jive at all until late next week. oh well. i want to see him, but i'm not all that busted up about not having the time to. it's probably for the best, right? right.
i wish gas didn't cost so much so i could get out of town for a couple of days.
my foo tickets sold in like an hour...to some scalper guy in New Hampshire. i'm just glad i got my money back, and now i can pay my rent! yay! :(
my redbull is finally wearing off so i guess i'm going to get in bed. take care of yourselves this weekend! love one another! stay indoors and watch football (not wall to wall hurricane coverage! it can't be healthy!) or movies or something. just don't drive b/c i know you can't afford it either. if you need a cuddle buddy, you know where to find me.